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Prospecting Australia

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  1. Ag Man

    Icy Creek, Victoria and surrounds

    G’day Travis, I’m in Newborough & see your name come up in similar interest groups and pages/friends. I don’t go out very often at all. Hoping to change that but time will tell. Same area as I’ve done most of my exploring/prospecting too. Stick with a pan, crevicing tools& yabby pump. Much...
  2. Ag Man

    Icy Creek, Victoria and surrounds

    I have many years ago for very little reward but it’s there
  3. Ag Man

    DIY Dolly Pot

    Cheers cob 👍 Never really left 😁. Just pop in less frequently since the site was sold to overseas. Does Harry still own it or who now?
  4. Ag Man

    DIY Dolly Pot

    Sorry about the decade delay 🤣 Stick welder mate. 240v CIG Easy Welder I think it was called. Not stainless pipe. Just cleaned up mild steel with wire wheel on bench grinder. Never paint the insides of a dolly pot or you’ll end up with paint flakes & dust in your cons. Cheers 🍻
  5. Ag Man

    ⭐ Alluvial Show n Tell

    Looks great. Cheers for posting up 👍
  6. Ag Man

    Minelab Gold Monster 1000

    No mate. The monster is a great machine for gold but Im not near detectable goldfields so tomorrow Im going to swap my monster for an Equinox 800 & start shooting for coins. Its got a gold setting but thats not why Im getting it. Ill continue to get my gold fix by panning, sluicing & sniping...
  7. Ag Man

    Swap my GM1000 for an Equinox 800

    Looking for a swap of my GM1000 GoldMonster for an Equinox 800. New similar price but depending on condition or extras could negotiate a $ difference. My Monster has found gold but I just dont get a chance often enough to get to the gold fields. Im going to continue gold panning & sluicing but...
  8. Ag Man

    Minelab Gold Monster 1000

    It could go off its chops. Turn it down, groundballance until it settles hopefully. If the signal goes just left, Id leave it. If it goes left right, then Id chase it. Could be gold in ironstone or near it
  9. Ag Man

    Minelab Gold Monster 1000

    I find all sorts of stuff with mine so dont see why not. Just no good on beach tho Im told. Something about the salt sends them a bit bonkers.
  10. Ag Man

    Adelong, Young area panning

    Check out Busted Knuckles on YouTube - he seems to do well at Adelong Falls
  11. Ag Man

    A homemade pick project.

    How did your project go? Id thought of leafspring for pick but yup, weight put me off. Plough disks are the go :perfect:
  12. Ag Man

    Happy Birthday Wishes 🎂🎉

    Havent been doing the forum rounds much of late. Posted up in the PA going south? thread
  13. Ag Man

    Happy Birthday Wishes 🎂🎉

    Hip Hip Hooray :cake:
  14. Ag Man

    Giving out locations

    *Flanno needs its own post... Same here, go out in flanno, work in flanno. When worn out they make the best rags & polishing cloths, kids nappies were flannel, bed sheets - you guessed it, flannel :playful:
  15. Ag Man

    Giving out locations

    *Proud Bogan here too. Long live the flannel shirt :beer:
  16. Ag Man

    Giving out locations

    Yeah mate, just a bit hit n miss/other priorities etc. too. I do pop in here every now and then ;)
  17. Ag Man

    Giving out locations

    Sad to hear mate. Same happened to me... Very early in my prospecting days I let slip what gully I dug up a 1 gram piece whilst sluicing. Within a few weeks the gully was raped. That was about 10 years ago... might go for a look see. The area might be forgotten again & some gold replenished :/
  18. Ag Man

    Bucket sieve

    Looks good mate :pickshovel: :goldpan:
  19. Ag Man

    Bucket sieve

    Hey Casper, Greeting to you also. I am well thanks bud. Good to see the site going strong. Id lost log in details, access to my email yada yada yada, FaceBook groups happen... Let prospecting go for a bit, bought a tinny boat, sold it, bought sailing boat, sold it n bought another tinny :D ...
  20. Ag Man

    Today I BOUGHT

    Last week I got myself a Gold Monster :D Haven't done much prospecting of late but still have the itch(it won't go away :argh: )