Gidday all, Where can i find out what rivers,streams,creeks etc are ok to run my sluice? National parks are out i heard. Im not here to make $$ ,just a new hobby and relax. Cheers
Gidday moneybox, the mines site is so complicated so I rang them, they run me through about 5 links on their site to find answers...what a waste of time. Ive searched threads on this site, but they always go off topic. Its a pretty simple question,can I do it and where. thanks for your replyhay thanks for that info Moneybox. I will have a look at the
Mines dept
You're assuming that there are actually goldbearing rivers/streams/creeks in WA. I've never heard of any, so the answer to your 'simple question' is possibly that you can't because there's nowhere it's possible!Gidday moneybox,
Gidday moneybox, the mines site is so complicated so I rang them, they run me through about 5 links on their site to find answers...what a waste of time. Ive searched threads on this site, but they always go off topic. Its a pretty simple question,can I do it and where. thanks for your reply
As above your biggest hurdle in WA will be water.Gidday all, Where can i find out what rivers,streams,creeks etc are ok to run my sluice? National parks are out i heard. Im not here to make $$ ,just a new hobby and relax. Cheers
Geoview may help you out, I bought a sluice with the same thing in mind, Used it in water maybe twice in 12 months, I now have it set up in the back yard to process larger samples and sometimes take it with me and set it up in the back of my ute!Gidday all, Where can i find out what rivers,streams,creeks etc are ok to run my sluice? National parks are out i heard. Im not here to make $$ ,just a new hobby and relax. Cheers