Hi Murphy81, I made one for that purpose - there are some photos in a thread titled bellows dry washer build. Woodeen, wing nutty to bolt it together and fits in a bucket. I use it a fair bit now (on a lease) and got tired of operating it by hand so have modified it to a constant air version by replacing the bellows with a box containing a passive fan that is unbalanced by a lead weight to provide vibration. The riffle tray assembly is now suspended under the hopper from wire hooks at the back and a spring at the front. The air supply is from a ryobi workshop blower. It is light, tiny, 3 settings and variable speed - speed 2 worked best for mine. A 1.3 aH battery will run about 10l of dirt. I tested it this season and it worked pretty well so will now get a 4.5 aH battery. I still think the gold recovery was better with the bellows, but it still catches gold and its quick.
As an aside the blower is now in my camping kit - it is really good for getting the fire going again when it is spluttering, and adjusting the heat of the 'coals' for cooking - better than a blow pipe I can tell you!