Philip & Sandra Box
In 2015 we left Capel, headed north and travelled across the top and up to Palmer River seeking gemstones and gold. Along the way we struck some lousy weather and the batteries were struggling to keep up with just the one 250w 24v solar panel and 60A alternator. When heading south again we dropped into that crook at Bruno's batteries in Mareeba to see what they could help us with. I'm not used to seeking outside assistance but when you're on the opposite side of a very big country there's not much choice. Bruno wanted to test my batteries first so we removed all four and left them with him for 24 hours so they could be fully charged and then steadily load tested. We returned to following day to be told my 2 yr old AGM deep cycle batteries were stuffed. At least I knew enough to identify a crook so I ignored his advice to replace them and instead had them install a 24V DC to DC battery charger.
I should have gone with my gut feeling and left when I got the battery condition report but I was in a difficult situation at the time. They installed the Intervolt charger under the vehicle near the six batteries, 2 start and 4 deep cycle. By the time we'd travelled across the country the the fan had loaded the internal components of the charger with a good layer of dust.
The next time we struck inclement weather the Interco charger dust turned to mud and then smoke. Interco refused warranty because the charger had got wet. It should never been installed under the vehicle. The crook at Bruno's didn't want to know me and by then I was on the opposite side of this very big country and quite defenceless. I gave up and purchased a Redarc DC to DC 24/20 charger that looked after the batteries until recently. That failed recently but at 4 years of age Redarc never flinched and even though it was 2 years beyond the end of the warranty period they replaced the charger with a brand new unit free of charge.
However rare it might be for one of these charges to have a fault the new one came with a problem. I've since whizzed it back to Redarc but we're due to head off again in a week or two and with my aging 2013 Rittar AGM batteries at 6 years beyond the date they were diagnosed as stuffed I thought it prudent to replace them. I can't be sure the new Redarc charger will turn up before we leave.

I should have gone with my gut feeling and left when I got the battery condition report but I was in a difficult situation at the time. They installed the Intervolt charger under the vehicle near the six batteries, 2 start and 4 deep cycle. By the time we'd travelled across the country the the fan had loaded the internal components of the charger with a good layer of dust.
The next time we struck inclement weather the Interco charger dust turned to mud and then smoke. Interco refused warranty because the charger had got wet. It should never been installed under the vehicle. The crook at Bruno's didn't want to know me and by then I was on the opposite side of this very big country and quite defenceless. I gave up and purchased a Redarc DC to DC 24/20 charger that looked after the batteries until recently. That failed recently but at 4 years of age Redarc never flinched and even though it was 2 years beyond the end of the warranty period they replaced the charger with a brand new unit free of charge.

However rare it might be for one of these charges to have a fault the new one came with a problem. I've since whizzed it back to Redarc but we're due to head off again in a week or two and with my aging 2013 Rittar AGM batteries at 6 years beyond the date they were diagnosed as stuffed I thought it prudent to replace them. I can't be sure the new Redarc charger will turn up before we leave.