As a newbie to this life of adventure and excitement, I have been doing a lot of rsearch on various techniques and devices for extracting the gold and concentrates.
I have noticed for a lot of people who use or make a hand dredge with the PVC pipe etc and have a feeder hose into a bucket, most of the time they seem to use a ribbed hose like the grey water hose you pickup at Kmart garden section.
Now from a technical point, this hose is ribbed both inside and outside, now with the ribs on the inside, would the specs not get caught in these many many many mini riffles on the way to the bucket?
Would a smooth hose not be the wiser choice?
I have noticed for a lot of people who use or make a hand dredge with the PVC pipe etc and have a feeder hose into a bucket, most of the time they seem to use a ribbed hose like the grey water hose you pickup at Kmart garden section.
Now from a technical point, this hose is ribbed both inside and outside, now with the ribs on the inside, would the specs not get caught in these many many many mini riffles on the way to the bucket?
Would a smooth hose not be the wiser choice?