Suss people driving around

Prospecting Australia

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Mar 26, 2014
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I went for a prospect out the back of wedderburn yesterday and came back to the caravan park at around lunch time.after a nice lunch and a few hours rest I decided to go out again,but lo and behold I discovered I had left my pick out in the bush! off I went at a great speed of knots to retrieve I rounded the corner of the track to my great relief I spotted it lying on the ground,i also spotted an old white Toyota with two guys in it,one was pointing to where my pick lay!..I pulled over just as they did.A tall guy with a bushy white beard got out and asked is that yours"...I said yes and he replied "your lucky that would have been gone" I said have you had any luck prospecting today and he said "we are just driving around in the bush" either they were dishonest prospectors which are few and far between in my opinion,or looking to replenish their supply of equipment at others expense!
Ive got to say that driving aimlessly around back roads and dirt tracks in the bush is something the wife and I love to do, there is no rush, the scenery is so varied, we have seen some wonderful sights. We can pull up and have quiet cuppa and enjoy the peace and quiet. Hiking any distance is out of the question so the car allows us some freedom to explore. We have met some wonderful people, heard some great stories.
dubbles said:
I went for a prospect out the back of wedderburn yesterday and came back to the caravan park at around lunch time.after a nice lunch and a few hours rest I decided to go out again,but lo and behold I discovered I had left my pick out in the bush! off I went at a great speed of knots to retrieve I rounded the corner of the track to my great relief I spotted it lying on the ground,i also spotted an old white Toyota with two guys in it,one was pointing to where my pick lay!..I pulled over just as they did.A tall guy with a bushy white beard got out and asked is that yours"...I said yes and he replied "your lucky that would have been gone" I said have you had any luck prospecting today and he said "we are just driving around in the bush" either they were dishonest prospectors which are few and far between in my opinion,or looking to replenish their supply of equipment at others expense!
:| Victoria is in LOCK DOWN !!!!
5 reasons to leave home !!!!! Prospecting is not one of them ....
Maybe call the Police the next time you are out Prospecting & you see them again .
I have been for a drive at times just to get away from civilisation. In saying that, I would totally take my detector with me if I was going anywhere worth flicking it on. Sounds suss to me. Glad you got your pick back before it was found by someone else.
Just the fact he said lucky I came back because he would have taken it made me think he isn't the most honest bloke going around!..
DAM it.yes I know mate,I don't go out of the five k area,and as we are in the caravan park I walk over the park with my detector on occasion,it is a bit of a grey area because I am exercising,but detecting at the same time!it's a bit like going for a run but you can't shadow box if boxing is your hobby! :D
dubbles said:
DAM it.yes I know mate,I don't go out of the five k area,and as we are in the caravan park I walk over the park with my detector on occasion,it is a bit of a grey area because I am exercising,but detecting at the same time!it's a bit like going for a run but you can't shadow box if boxing is your hobby! :D
Ok ;) ;)
But if your just walking over the caravan park on occasion , The guy in the 4x4 should not have seemed out of place :rolleyes:
And its not really a grey area , Making excuses does not make it right .
But you do what you want :clap: :clap: .
Each lockdown seems to be a bit different with the rules but happened to come across this whilst looking for something else today.

It would appear prospecting is allowed at present in Vic but must be within 5 kms of home and stick to the 2 hr limit.

"Recreational activities that require the use of a facility will not be allowed. Facilities such as tennis clubs, bowls clubs, shooting ranges and golf clubs are closed. Outdoor activities that can be undertaken without accessing a facility, such as hunting, are permitted within the 5km and 2 hour limits."

From here -
Manpa said:
Ive got to say that driving aimlessly around back roads and dirt tracks in the bush is something the wife and I love to do, there is no rush, the scenery is so varied, we have seen some wonderful sights. We can pull up and have quiet cuppa and enjoy the peace and quiet. Hiking any distance is out of the question so the car allows us some freedom to explore. We have met some wonderful people, heard some great stories.
Have to agree with you there Manpa. Hubby and I have done that too. Found some amazing WW2 sites in northern Australia -old airfields and relics and such. We followed my grandfathers footsteps from Townsville across the top to Darwin and down to Alice Springs. He was a carpenter in the CCC during the war. Helped with the formwork of the gun emplacements in Darwin, plus other areas across the top of Australia. So doing these bush trips help to relive his days.
Northeast said:
Each lockdown seems to be a bit different with the rules but happened to come across this whilst looking for something else today.
It would appear prospecting is allowed at present in Vic but must be within 5 kms of home and stick to the 2 hr limit.
"Recreational activities that require the use of a facility will not be allowed. Facilities such as tennis clubs, bowls clubs, shooting ranges and golf clubs are closed. Outdoor activities that can be undertaken without accessing a facility, such as hunting, are permitted within the 5km and 2 hour limits."
From here -

As if finding gold wasn't hard enough anyway, now you have to beat the clock to do it!

On your marks, get set.... :playful: