Need help identifying a find please

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 8, 2022
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Hi team,

New member here. Always had an interest in prospecting but only just started to take a more detailed approach.

I have one question that has been bugging me since I found this piece. I was taking a walk along the river bank one afternoon at low tide. Totally unexpected I glanced down to see this beautiful (it was one piece) poking through the mud where there was recent erosion.

My knowledge on this matter is basically zero atm and Google throws up 100s of pictures that are similar. The best picture that is a close resemblance is one I found of quartz gold ore.

The best answer I have atm is that it is some type of white quartz, but what else I would love to know is what are the other features ie the veins and black on top?

Would love to finally get an answer to this as it's been bugging me for quite some time. Would love to hear it is a type of gold ore, but surely I'm not that lucky ?

Nice to find a good looking Aussie forum. Any help is greatly appreciated.
My guess is that it's white quartz, what the grey rock is is anybody's guess. The colour looks like limestone but these two rocks are formed differently so I have no idea.
White quartz the black rock coming out the side of the quartz in pic 1 looks like ironstone the pewter colour stone looks like zinc but Im no geologist.
The first one looks like Black Tourmaline in Quartz matrix, no idea of the metal though sorry.
Would help with a location. The black piece of rock attached could be country rock (not the musical kind but the matrix rock in which the quartz reefs formed). Knowing the geology of the area might give some clue as to what that country rock is and maybe what the mineralization might also be.
Possibly the metallic looking stuff is arsenopyrite. Try scratching it with a knife, if it gives off a garlic type odour then it's arsenopyrite.