Inadine - good stuff

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Jun 13, 2016
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I just took some major bark off my shin and it is taking forever to heal. My daughter who is an OT put me onto a product called Inadine which I hadn't heard of before. It is a non-stick open weave mesh similar to flyscreen that is embedded with iodine. I started using it but waited too long before I did and ended up at the local medical centre to get a course of antibiotics. Turns out they used Inadine to dress it as well. It is widely available from chemists.

Betadine, which I typically use and did to start with, is good but washes out quickly (almost immediately) when the wound has a lot of discharge associated with it. Inadine on the other hand slowly releases the iodine as the wound weeps and keeps the antiseptic properties on your wound much longer. You can peel back the dressing you put over it and when the inadine changes from orange to white it means all the iodine has been released and you just remove the inadine, gently clean the wound and surrounds with Isocol, cut another section of Inadine to suit the wound, reapply it, and put another dressing on it. It gives you peace of mind that you are doing the best you can to prevent infection. It is also very important to make sure you keep it dry until it has scabbed properly.

The last thing you want is a major infection out bush... So I'm keeping some Inadine in my first aid kit from now on, along with some sterile 'primapore' type adhesive/absorbent patches to over it, and Isocol for washing the wound in the first instance and when you re-dress it.