Goldfields police want prospectors 2 have emergency beacons

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richard70au said:
I have a spot locator, it is a great item as it works through satellites.

The only downside is that a subscription is required, cost me $265 this year, I am happy to pay it to have the ability to be rescued from any place I dare to go.

I also have a spare spot for sale if anyone is interested.

Mate I think your getting ripped off. I pay about $150 annually for tracking as well as the basic services. I will PM you about the spare. I may find a buyer for you.

HeadsUp said:
richard70au said:
I have a spot locator, it is a great item as it works through satellites.

The only downside is that a subscription is required, cost me $265 this year, I am happy to pay it to have the ability to be rescued from any place I dare to go.

I also have a spare spot for sale if anyone is interested.


i did read up on them , one youtube video suggested that most Epirb signals will get picked up straight away , where the Spot type can be up to 20 - 40 minutes before their satellites pass overhead , and the signals from them have poorer transmission strength in some locations

i do like the text messaging option though , if someone gets your text that says " brown snake bite on my neck at 11.15 am , location 35.1567654 , 150.64536281 on hilltop near yellow tree trunk"

that information is a hell of a lot more useful than " beep beep beep "

The spot, depending on what model you have will send messages, but they are pre set by you when you set them up. They will send a OK check in message, I have this sent to my wife and family when I am travelling, they will send a help message, this I send to a couple of mates that can contact me on the radio, (amateur radio), it also has a 911 message, I have never used this but it sends straight to the rescue people in the US, they then get in contact with the rescue centre in the ACT and then they sort it out from there.

HeadsUp said:
what are opinions on snakebite response ?

If i am close to my vehicle and close to other people / farms / hospital then i will do a compression bandage , walk to the vehicle then drive to meet an ambulance if close enough

but if i am many miles away from my vehicle and more than an hours drive to get back to human contact then am i not better off just hitting the Epirb button , bandage up the limb concerned and lie down in a cool place to slow down my metabolism until assistance arrives ?

If you have an hour or two of exertion before getting help then that increase in metabolism might be enough to kill you

My understanding is that you might survive 5 - 7 hours without medical intervention after a brown snake or Death Adder bite , any longer than that and you have slim survival prospects

I am going to email SES or rescue squads to ask their opinion on the above.

got two responses on the above question


Blue Mountains Police Rescue

If you activate a beacon you should always remain still, otherwise it makes it very difficult to locate you. We can't give medical advice but I imagine remaining calm and stable/static is you best course of action to limit affects

Alpine Search and Rescue Victoria Inc.

Please refer to Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines -

See guideline 9.4.1 and particularly 9.4.8.

You will note that correct application of Pressure Immobilisation Technique is important, and where ever possible transport should be brought to the victim (first para on page 3 of 9.4.8).

Personally I would activate my PLB or call triple-zero rather than move.

Kind regards, David
David Mitchell
Alpine Search and Rescue Victoria Inc.