Dingo attacks

Prospecting Australia

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Goldfreak said:
I have opinions but to avoid a :poop: fight I think one we could all agree on is there tameness is part of the problem, most dingo and wild dogs I saw up north and foxes around here stay well away from people.
oi have dingos on my property and you will only see them by pure chance I have been to fraser and they walk right up to your car sniffing the dogs are tame so called wild which is asking for trouble
To me it's a human made situation. We all like to think we can simply and safety swim in the ocean etc.
We give it a nice name "Fraser island" etc...
But would we think twice if was called " Wild dog island"
Would it change some attitudes of taking minors, or letting them stray alone.
Would it tend you to set up motion alarms around your camp.....
We all have choices.
Would you swim at a particular beach where hand feeding of bull sharks is common.
On another note.....
The uprise of shark attacks over the last few years......
Lots of blame as to why, havent heard that maybe we have over fished our oceans and the buggars are forced to closer to eat!!!!
The gov wont say that! Blame the ozone before that happens
This keeps happening lately, Kind of rubs salt in the wound to the legal system who were so sure of them selves when they put lindy chamberlin Away, They destroyed a family and cost tax payers millions only to be proven wrong,

Said but true, and I can't imagine what this toddlers family are going through, :flowers:
Spot on RR the multiple annual /quarterly reports of attacks on Fraser Island over the past few years is alarming to say the least. I want bother spending my hard earned visiting Fraser Island any time soon or if ever for that matter unless something is done to prevent these attacks. The sooner there's a tourist boycott that financially hurts the operation of Fraser Island the better the chance of something proactive being done to protect the paying customers. The concept of mixing wild animals with tourists is fraught with danger no matter where it takes place, something will definitely go wrong at some point such as people swimming at the beach. The only thing that separates Fraser Island from the beach is it's a structured tourism business operation and as such should be made to clean up their act regarding customer safety. If it were a private business operator they'd be shut down already.
This is my opinion and not meant to be 'dividing'.

The Island has a Dingo population, native animal population.
A few years ago they did do a Cull when these sorts of attacks became regular, I think it halved the population, after which things settled down.
6-8 pups per year, lots of Dogs on the ground, natural food sources are scarce, guess where they are looking for food as a "pack mentality hunter" ??

I would not be at all surprised if an Adult was taken down and killed, they attacked a mother and child on a beach recently too.

As bad as some may take this, it is time to seek out and cull the dogs that hang around the human population or are human social,
half or reduce the dogs to 1/3 of the current population.
Kill off ANY aggressive animal and pack leaders approaching humans.

BUT try to keep the native strain/lineage alive, let them breed back to numbers, cull for control not to extinction.

While culling seems like a terrible solution, it does work, and they will bounce back. ;)

My family.... I would try to be prepared in this environment, I would definitely defend my children and take the life of the animal if I could,
but they are smart and fast, when acting as a pack you may not even get the opportunity to inflict injury.
It will happen in seconds, and then its over.

Protected or not, you will never get into trouble defending a human life against an animal attack.
Jaros said:
I think it is stated that because of their isolation from the mainland of Australia that the dingoes on the island have the purest bloodlines of the breed so they want them kept isolated.

That doesn't alter their status.
They culled the brumbies into extinction that used to live on Fraser, they were pure too.
Fraser Island was used by the army for training exercises, there are historic sites etc, perhaps the Horses got loose then?
I went there in 1982, recall going past a nearby island with 100s of feral goats, we could see them and the guide was telling us about it.
Redfin said:
Dingoes are wild dogs and considered a pest and baited in the rest of Australia, why not Fraser?
They're actually protected throughout Australia but each state has "loopholes" to allow them to be controlled as pest under various pest/livestock management legislation.
An example:

Maybe instead of "recommending" that families with young kids under 14 camp in one of the 5 fenced areas they make it compulsory?
IMO too many people go there & don't listen. Still people feeding them & leaving food scraps around which just makes them even less wary of us + more unpredictable.
Dingo being a pest!? Is debatable. To us, maybe. Environmentally, perhaps not.
Pretty well proven on the dingo side of the fence, there are more native species abundant than on the dingo proof side. Why, cause the dingos eat the cats.
So is a shark a pest species? !!!
Only if you swim with them.
No pest to me.....
Ok, once!
In the NT, after trapping a croc, then for release... they taunt the croc into not going near boats or humans as a traing program. Hunger and instincts can take over but!
Perhaps these dingos should be shot with rubber bullets whilst close to humans to make them scared of us. ?!


But agreed Mbasko, too many people call them, feed them, leave food around etc, and make their own problems.
Wild dogs..or native dogs? !!! Who is calling it wild?
Native? Or a pest! It becomes a pest to sheep farmers...