12x6 X-Coil Hybrid Review

Prospecting Australia

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Aug 16, 2020
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I've been gold prospecting for many years and over time, I've been testing my coils over many Goldfields ground that's been detected by many over time.
Every time I get a new coil, I do some testing on a particular Goldfield that gives me an understanding of the coils ability and performance.

This time I was interested in the 12x6 X coil for the GPX detectors, having hybrid windings got me curious, so decided to get one for myself, so last week I got out to an area where the ground is highly mineralised and most coils struggle here.
In my last coil test, I had to go way below factory settings, I use a GPX5000, so this applies to the GPX5000 and the GPX4500.

I wasn't sure what to expect so on start-up with this 12x6 hybrid X coil, set in factory settings in fine gold, I started getting the dreadful ground noises that this patch of ground is famous for and at least I knew it was working. Hmmm, lets see how it went shall we ??

As I started on my way where I was with the last coil I used, I had to drop the stabilizer and RX gain a couple of notches to stop the coil getting swamped from these dreaded ground noises.
I used the fine gold timing for an hour before switching over to the enhance timing, which gave me the chance to increase the stabilizer and RX gain up a little.
I won't go into details of the other settings, as everyone has their own way of tweaking their machines.

This area also gets affected by EMI
and over the course of the day, this coil wasn't too bad for that.
At the end of the day, I got 3 pieces of gold for the day. All were between 6-8 inches deep.
Remember, this ground is highly mineralised ground with plenty of dig holes all around, by having this coil set a couple of notches higher in the RX gain and stabilizer, most likely gave me the edge to get these 3 pieces of gold.
I'm sure this coil can be run a lot hotter and cranked right up, but I used it to be run smoothly.
Is it worth more than the standard flat wound coils, well my first impression of this 12x6 hybrid X coil for GPX detectors, by what I've seen on my first test in highly mineralised ground, tells me by having an increase in gain and stabilizer tells me it does.
So far, I'm pleased with using this hybrid 12x6 X coil and until next time, stay tuned.............. We'll see how we go then.

More to come!







I have been using this coil for some time on my QED PL3, and it takes the QED to another level. I tested it at Silverdale near Wedderburn on some of the nastiest ground I have ever detected on. I was able to run the QED on the hottest settings and rarely had to alter ground balance. This has become my favourite bush coil.
limpalot said:
Nice going and thanks for the review, do you scrub the coil on the surface or wave above? How was it for bump sensitivity?

Thanks, I do both according to conditions, but not scrub as to use the second supplied skid plate.

As with bump sensitivity, it's a very stable coil.
Reg Wilson said:
I have been using this coil for some time on my QED PL3, and it takes the QED to another level. I tested it at Silverdale near Wedderburn on some of the nastiest ground I have ever detected on. I was able to run the QED on the hottest settings and rarely had to alter ground balance. This has become my favourite bush coil.

Just goes to show that this coil can tame the Wedderburn ground, as you mentioned, well done Reg :Y:
Northeast said:
Hard to imagine anyone saying no TT.

Up in the members section tathradj has a current thread re: prizes for competitions. Running a comp via the mods would be your best bet :Y:

Thanks Northeast.
Once I get my 10 posts up, I'll ask the moderators to do that.
The gold I dig up on my next gold prospecting trip, I'll use those for the competition.
I'm thinking, weight and depth of gold should make it a bit more interesting.
The Tester said:
X - coils are thinking of having a give-away competition.

Would anyone be interested in a guessing competition for a chance to win a new 12x6 X coil for the gpx detectors?
Just wondering what your connection to X Coils is?
Davsgold I believe is the Australian distributor & also Reg Wilson is selling them (not sure if this is done independently or through Dave?).
Neither of them have offered to provide a coil for a competition so was wondering how you can be?
Would be good if an X Coil reseller or the manufacturer became site sponsors rather than just use it as a free sales platform.
mbasko said:
The Tester said:
X - coils are thinking of having a give-away competition.

Would anyone be interested in a guessing competition for a chance to win a new 12x6 X coil for the gpx detectors?
Just wondering what your connection to X Coils is?
Davsgold I believe is the Australian distributor & also Reg Wilson is selling them (not sure if this is done independently or through Dave?).
Neither of them have offered to provide a coil for a competition so was wondering how you can be?
Would be good if an X Coil reseller or the manufacturer became site sponsors rather than just use it as a free sales platform.

I'm independent of those two sellers and my reviews are also independent.

The competition will be run from the manufacturer of the X-Coils.
It's what you can call advertising without the sellers involvement.

I'm certainly not taking any sales away from re-sellers.

Good idea Mbasko, I'll put it forward to X-Coils to become a site sponsor. :Y:
X-COILS said:
Intresting report, tahnks. We are sure that the prospectors of Australia will be satisfied.

Welcome X-Coils.

Hopefully, we can get the 12x6 hybrid X coil for GPX detectors up for the competition very shortly.
The Tester said:
X - coils are thinking of having a give-away competition.

Would anyone be interested in a guessing competition for a chance to win a new 12x6 X coil for the gpx detectors?

Okay members, we are one step closer to having this Free 12x6 Hybrid X - coils give-away.

The coil has arrived and it is ready to be delivered to the Competition winner, hopefully starting next week.

I will be in contact with the moderator after I get back from my gold prospecting trip shortly, with a gold piece for the competition.
Here's the coil ready and waiting.


I got out gold prospecting the other day for my second trip and I dug up a little more gold, the 12x6 hybrid X coil was very stable and I managed to pick up a few little pieces of gold for a total of ? ( due to this gold being for guess the weight competition to win a brand new 12x6 hybrid X coil, you will have to wait until then)

The ground here is highly mineralised, due to it being volcanic soil, so I'm pleased with the coils performance and outcome, as it's all the about getting the gold in the end.
Here are a couple of pictures of my list trip.

I've contacted one of the moderators, so hopefully we can get the ball rolling with the competition late next week.
Stay tuned until then.

The Tester

All the details for the competition are with one of the moderators.

Just waiting on one of the other competitions to finish and have a winner, then this X-Coils competition can start soon afterwards.
Stay tuned everyone.