Varies, but for example it is unchanged by the government of NSW although there will be events to make it more inclusive of indigenous people, Some companies are varying it....
"Hundreds of thousands of workers across the public and private sectors will be given the option to work on Australia Day instead of celebrating the public holiday as the national debate intensifies about the appropriateness of celebrating the 1788 arrival of the first fleet.
Woolworths, which employs 160,000 people across the country, has told its staff they can choose to work on January 26 and take another off at the discretion of their manager as it was “up to each team member to mark the day as it suits them”, while universities are negotiating the arrangement with their 130,000-strong workforce".
No change in Victoria
"Victorians will be able to enjoy a range of events that encourage respectful reflection, togetherness and inclusion as part of Australia Day 2023.
A program of events at Fed Square and Government House will give Victorians the opportunity to take part in free activities to mark the day and reflect on its significance.
The Victorian Government recognises Australia Day represents a day of mourning and reflection for some Victorians, and is a challenging time for First Peoples. The Victorian Government is committed to addressing past and ongoing injustices through Treaty and the truth-telling work of the Yoorrook Justice Commission.
Reflect, Respect, Celebrate this Australia day. We’re all part of the story".