Lefty, I don't have the time to explain (not that I would not like to, it is simply time, not being offended or anything - I said I would drop out, but that was because I did not think we could ever get anywhere - that you were not appreciating my meaning). Firstly, because basically you are saying that I have said things that I have not said (talking about different minerals) and secondly there is confusion in the scientific versus non-scientific use of words. For example, I say something about one mineral, and you read it as also being said about another - and then disagree with what I have not actually said . You think I am disagreeing with far more than what I am disagreeing with. I am using a geological definition of igneous origin you are using a spatial defintion (that they occur together), so what I say is quite true in terms of my terms of reference (a very rigid and tightly-defined scientific one), what you say is quite true in terms of yours (a spatial one). So I will confine my answer to principles.
Likewise, the many examples of what you consider different minerals are not different "minerals" they are different "mineral varieties" of a single mineral. For example, agate or chalcedony or in many cases jasper are mineral varieties of the mineral quartz (which in this case is fine-grained so we call it microquartz, which is itself just a variety of the mineral quartz - a change in gransize does not turn it into a different mineral any more than being red, white or yellow does, or being banded does - jasper is usually simply the red mineral variety of the mineral quartz which is fine-grained). Geologists get sick of saying "mineral variety", so will often just say "mineral" as short-hand, thus confusing the understanding of you poor buggers completely. To complicate it further, many mineral collectors talk of rocks as minerals - chert is a rock (not a mineral) usually composed of chalcedony which is one fine-grained mineral variety of quartz, silcrete is a rock composed of chalcedony which is also a fine-grained mineral variety of the mineral quartz, and some geologists use jasper as a rock name not a mineral species name. They are called rocks because they comprise huge volumes of the same material (if you have a silcrete layer a metre thick over ten thousand sq km it sounds a bit strange to talk about it as a mineral layer - it is a mono-mineralic rock later - see photo). We give the rocks different names for the same reason we give different names to mineral varieties despite them being one mineral - because silcrete and chert LOOK different to us, but they are both quartz rocks. Collectors confuse the issue further by inventing names that they consider mineral names for things that are not minerals at all in a scientific sense, but rocks composed of mixtures of minerals (eg the one discussed from Pambula which is a mixture of illite and volcanic glass) - I'm guessing 75% of NSW collectors but only perhaps 5% of geologists worldwide would have ever heard that name - I only knew it because I mapped in the Nethercote quarry where it occurred. Even geologists (professional mineralogists) sometimes initially make errors (heaven forbid!) - I was given an award of polished selwynite, which geologists originally thought was a purplish mineral - it is now known to be not a mineral, but a rock that is a mixture of minerals, but if you Google it you will find almost every site calls it a mineral - it is so entrenched that it is impossible to get rid of this misuse by even some mineralogists who only refer to the early descriptions and don't know it is now a "discredited mineral".
You are not wrong to do this, and I am not wrong, I use the language of science but you use the language of collectors - it is convenient for you, you know exactly what you are talking about when you use the term with each other (which is EXACTLY the same reason scientists use the scientific term with each other). The scientific term nevertheless has the advantage of being EXACTLY defined, so there is no ambiguity (yes it might be called red chalcedony, yes it might be jasper, yes it might be called red chert - but in every case it is definitely a red, fine-grained variety of the mineral quartz). Government brochures etc (I write some of them, and others quote in them what I write elsewhere) will often use the collectors term to make it easy for them to read - if I said "a devitrified sericitised rhyolite" many collectors would scratch their heads and say "what the hell does this pamphlet have to do with fossicking for gems!""why the hell didn't he say pyro..... then!")
There are all sorts of assumptions as well in this discussion that are quite incorrect, and it would take a long time to address each one. For example, the assumption that silica cannot dissolve at low temperature - large volumes can dissolve at no more than a couple of degrees Celsius, huge volumes of chalcedony form at temperatures no hotter than an Australian midday, and form fairly continously over areas of hundreds of thousands of square km in fairly pure layers up to many metres thick, some of it worth slabbing, and most occurs in areas with no igneous rocks. Also:
"most siliceous material besides amorphous SiO2 was quite resistant to chemical weathering, or it does not easily dissolve into cooler waters". Definitely not so, ask if you want a fuller explanation.
"you need a minimum of 100 C and extreme pressure to start dissolving most SiO2" - absolutely incorrect - again ask if you want (I have time to answer very specific questions, but a lot of the above has been going around in circles with things where there is little or no disagreement and that gets us nowhere (eg the idea that agate can often be igneous in origin - sure it can be - not at all uncommon)
"the case at the opal fields as they are at a depth not on the surface?" no, as I described in detail previously the opals are within 30 m of the surface when they form, not at depth, within the zone where lots of water can penetrate, although some rainwater can go to km depth in small quantities. The deepest opal mine shaft in Australia is probably only 45 m, and is only that deep because a layer of gravel and silcrete was added on top after the opal formed.
"this is where you lose me when you talk about rainwater dissolving SiO2, again yes amorphous SiO2 would be dissolved to a point but the bulk of SiO2 is not amorphous" [which I take it means you are implying that it therefore would not dissolve]. No, this is also quite incorrect, but through misunderstanding of what I am discussing when I say silica (which I can fully understand)
Geochemists such as myself talk about dissolving "the silica" from a mineral, I am not talking about dissolving a mineral that is pure SiO2, I am talking about releasing the SiO2 (silica) component of a more complex mineral, such as olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase (eg labradorite). By the way, labradorite is plagioclase but it is reasonable to call labradorite a mineral (not a mineral variety) because we say that plagioclase is a mineral of varying composition (a "solid solution series", ranging from albite Na Al silicate to labradorite Ca Al silicate), so each range of composition in that mineral series can be called by an individual mineral name - albite, oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, bytownite, anorthite (although geologists are trying to do away with this and just say "plagioclase An30"- so albite is 90% Na, 10% Ca and at the other end anorthite is 90% Ca 10% Na - plagioclase is a mineral of varying composition and we simply make arbitary divisions at 10%, 30%, 50% etc.... Your heads must be spinning.....
To explain "silica", e.g. take Mg2Si04 (in an igneous rock) + (add) CO2 (from the atmosphere or dissolved in groundwater) = (gives) Mg(CO3) + SiO2 (which is dissolved in groundwater; I have not bothered to balance the equation). I have thus released the silica from the mineral olivine, and that released silica has dissolved in groundwater, and what remains is now the mineral magnesite. Olivine is actually very unstable at surface and this occurs readily. The dissolved silica can now travel in that rainwater through the rocks (we now call it groundwater) and when it encounters fragments of wood (usually in tuff or gravel etc because the majority of wood in molten lava burns away - not all)) it can precipitate and replace the wood, giving petrified wood. Similarly other things occur - feldspar (such as plagioclase - a Ca Al silicate) reacts with water to give hydrous Al silicate, such as the clay mineral kaolinite (there is a different amount of silica in this c.f. with the original felspar) and releases part of the silica plus the Ca into groundwater. Plagioclase is also fairly unstable at surface so this occurs fairly readily (a bit less rapidly than with the olivine). The olivine can also react with water to give Mg(OH)2 brucite, releasing all its silica. So an olivine-plagioclase rock (eg basalt) that formed 30 My ago can be temprarily protected from weathering for millions of years by later overlying rocks, but at say 4 My can weather to a magnesite-brucite-kaolinite rock and release lots of silica which can dissolve in water at a temperature of say 15 degrees C and move into a gravel or tuff that formed at 5 My (or 60 My if you prefer) and react with wood in it to form petrified wood. I would say - "the petrified wood does not have an igneous origin, because it originated 26 My years after the basalt formed, from wood perhaps deposited 1 My earlier than the petrification - at a time after the lava coolled completely and started to be weathered". Lefty might say "it is in tuff which is a volcanic rock which is igneous so the bloody thing has an igneous origin". I would say, no, it didn't originate then, it originated 25 My later (its genesis was 25 My later), so we cannot possibly say its origin (genesis) is igneous - the two things (tuff and petrified wood) originated at vastly different times. Do you see why I say we are going around in circles?
The same is true with opals and the Bulldog Shale - its silica rich Ca clay (montmorillonite), weathers near surface to a silica-poor clay (kaolinite) and some silica and all the Ca are released - the silica precipitates in fractures as opal at perhaps 10 m or 15 m greater depth as the silica-rich water travels down to the water-table, and the Ca probably reacts with CO2 in the water to give us calcite veins.
Consider formation of jasper. Olivine, like plagioclase, is also a solid solution series that ranges from Mg2Si04 (forsterite) to Fe2SiO4 (fayalite) and most olivine falls somewhere in between (there are a series of intermediate names like hortonolite etc). So take olivine that is (Fe,Mg)2Si04 + CO2 (from the atmosphere, or dissolved in cold groundwater) - this gives Mg(CO3) + SiO2 + Fe (the last two being dissolved in groundwater, the magnesite staying behind). The Si02 and Fe move away in the water and something causes them to precipitate together (there can be various causes) - as they precipitate together, microscopic particles of red Fe203 (hematite) are intimately caught up in the white fine-grained quartz, giving the resulting rock mixture (which is jasper) a red colour.
I would like to give you references on some of these things, but I value anonymity and would lose that to give you some papers I have published on exactly these topics (including opals, silcretes etc). I have a great dislike of people "pulling rank", using things like their qualifications rather than the quality of their arguments to win points (not that many professors don't talk a bit of b.s. at times), and I try very hard not to do so (pull rank). However it puts me at a disadvantage when I have written some of the stuff on this topic but want to remain anonymous. So to just put it in context (just in terms of the relevance of you quoting what you learnt in first year to question my arguments, not as a put-down), I am a "professor" with a PhD and nearly 50 years since graduation in geology and geochemistry and experience in scores of countries on 5 continents, 12 years of it outside Australia, as a university lecturer at undergrad and postgraduate level, and a former CSIRO scientist who does research on, publishes on, and supervises postgraduate degrees on things like silcrete, opal, chert and also high-temperature chalcedony etc. (in various countries). I only mention this to make clear that I do tend to be sure of my facts in terms of processes etc (although I can be as wrong as anyone else in a specific case, and have been known to sprout pure b.s after too many beers). But I am careful in what I say - if I only "think" something or "tend to disagree", or "estimate" something I try to say so and you can read that as personal opinions based on a lot of experience but that could be wrong. If I state something definitely I am trying to tell you things based on the majority view att his time of scientists working on that topic - the general consensus of experts AT THIS POINT IN TIME (called "current scientific dogma"). Even that changes with time in the scientific community and any scientist who claims absolute proof of an idea is not a good scientist - we "work towards towards the truth". We can talk of postulates, hypotheses and theories which are used for our increasing degrees of confidence that we are approaching the truth. Although we do disagree on SOME things all the time. we are often unfairly criticised for not agreeing with each other on major issues by people who ignore the fact that one person was writing in 1962 and another in 2012. However, although ideas do change with time, it is quite rare for a full reversal in ideas to occur (it has been known) - the tendency is more towards a better degree of understanding while still not having absolute knowledge.
We are an easy target because we admit to our uncertainties (climate change is one such area where that is used against scientists - the non-scientist say "it is bloody obvious that this year is colder not hotter than last year in Melbourne" and the scientist says "our best estimate at this time is that the rolling mean of temperatures over the the last ten years shows fairly convincingly that there has been a steady increase in temperature of the atmosphere as a whole (globally) over that time" - "bloody scientists, non-committal, talk about "best estimates", say "fairly convincingly", only see it if they average things, don't even explain my comment on Melbourne:" (ignoring of course that it is GLOBAL warming being talked about, not the temperature of Melbourne - some areas go down a bit over a few years, some go up a bit over those years, but the global average over those years is the average of a huge number of localities, not of one or a few places). It is difficult to explain the complexity of science to a non-scientist, because it simply requires the non-scientist to learn so much science before some understanduing comes. But intelligent people like you guys try to learn some, and that is good, since you do understand what you do better as a result.