[=shivan]I love all this
Most interesting indeed.
I believe there is a little misunderstanding between what was being said though?
Lefty when goldierocks was talking about
"In Victoria and NSW it is not strictly that wood is buried in silica-rich material ejected from volcanoes (although you are correctly quoting this old geological idea that used to dominate in that science, but no longer - although some geos still think that). It is more that the wood gets buried in old river gravels and sands, then lavas fill the old valleys and cover the gravels"
I believe he was getting at the fact that the volcanic ash and lava flow are normally not responsible for preserving much of the wood we find. A lot of the wood was already buried in sand, gravel and mud, from being downed in floods and buried or stumps near the edge of banks being buried as the course of the water way has changed.
From my understanding there is opal associated with the volcanics in Australia but it is generally common opal or potch, whereas you both have said, all the precious opal fields seem to be in sedimentary ground.
Essentially correct - the wood was already in the gravel. But the lavas covered the gravel and helped prevent the gravels being rapidly washed away. But we were also talking about water with silica then moving through the gravel and replacing the wood with silica to give silicified "petrified" wood.
Something i must ask though, you said:
"Eastern Australia is more complex again, as we had this as well up until about Cretaceous times. However most of the volcanoes of younger age in eastern Australia are thought to be "hot spot" related by many (not all) geos, not subduction"
I am still learning all this so i may it a bit wrong, but I thought ti was a mix of subduction and hot spot volcanism? Or am i misunderstanding you?
From my understanding we know that there was subduction from accretionary wedges and with that continental arcs and back arcs as do we know of the hot spot volcanism because of the evidence left of the shield volcanoes and the like?
No, most younger volcanoes are probably hot spot (although there is no complete consensus on this). The subduction was Cambrian to Devonian from Tasmania to NSW, Devonian to about Jurassic ir Early Cretaceous north of that. However in the Cretaceous the eastern Australian subduction zone (New Caledonia) became separated from Australia as the Tasman Sea opened and it moved away to the east. This meant that all the subduction activity east of the Tasman Sea continued as before but was now quite isolated from Australia. However Australia was now moving north as it separated from Antarctica and crossing over the stationery (and more deeply-based) hot spot - which formed a linear zone of volcanoes. The earliest were sometime around 100 My ago from memory and erupted in North Queensland, which was still far south of its present position. As Australia moved north the underlying hot spot did not move, so later eruptions were the Glasshouse Mountains, which then moved north, later the Warrumbungles, which then moved north, then the Mt Macedon -Woodend area of Victoria, perhaps Victoria's best sapphire locality (much younger than 30 My from memory, which moved north, until it was still active around Mt Gambier to a few thousand years ago (with fluid magma still present slightly further south around Bass Strait).
Hot Spot and subduction volcanism are very different mechanisms. Hot Spots are like a cylindrical rising magma column from deep in the mantle, perhaps as deep as the mantle-core boundary - magmas are very mafic (like basalt), low in water and often erupt quietly at surface, such as in Hawaii, Tristan de Cunha, Iceland or much of eastern Australia in the Tertiary (unless they are high in mantle carbon dioxide in which case they can be explosive but very small and localised - eg diamond-bearing kimberlites).
In subduction zones, the downgoing slab dehydrates only a few hundred km down and its water rises, lowering the melting point of the mantle above the downgoing plate which then melts and produces lavas higher in silica (andesite, dacite, rhyolite and only subordinate basalt), high in water and volatiles, which rise to surface and explosively erupt (eg Mt St Helens, Taupo NZ, Chile) - they tend to form linear chains, but in this case the volcanoes along the chain are all forming simultaneously, not sequentially.
You can see here the two parallel belts above a suduction zone - one of big silica-rich volcanoes above the trench, one further inland from the coast that is typically more basaltic (think Taupo versus Auckland that I mentioned before).
Here is the modern ocean floor:
You can see two linear belts of volcanoes - the Aleutian islands have a subduction zone south of them, and have silica-rich andesites and rhyolites erupting from volcanoes throughout their length. The Hawiaian islands only have active volcanoes above the hot spot below the Big Island (Hawaaii itself) - volcanoes west of it are dead but originally formed in the position of Hawaaii, but the sea floor crust moved them successively westward. In fact the Emperor seamounts on their continuation but trending more NW also originally each formed in the position of Hawaaii - the reason for the dog-leg bend is that the ocean floor changed direction from NW in the past to more W as it is now.