Treasure hunting with my Gold Bug M-scope

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 16, 2014
Reaction score
Hey fellow prospecters! This afternoon i went detecting next to my house. And this is what i found:

Heres what i found the other night:

And heres me with my detector:
Well, if you've got it finding all that stuff, then you know it's gunna work for you when you walk over the gold,.... keep practicing Fc,... the more you do the better you'll have your ear in on it.
I'm looking forward to seeing your results.
Silver. :)
Flash,I like the anvil,If you are using a forge what sort are you using also what fuel do you use.

Cheers, DD
Hi Flash, A bit of the first post but what about the forge, I have an interest in this sort of gear and collect old bits and pieces. I have 2 forges, Smithy's vice, and some smithy's tools. The last time I used this gear (22 years ago) I used coke as well and still have a bucket full. May be we should start a topic on what old tools people collect.

Cheers, DD
Digger Danny said:
Hi Flash, A bit of the first post but what about the forge, I have an interest in this sort of gear and collect old bits and pieces. I have 2 forges, Smithy's vice, and some smithy's tools. The last time I used this gear (22 years ago) I used coke as well and still have a bucket full. May be we should start a topic on what old tools people collect.

Cheers, DD
That sound like a great idea
I have a sword, its half decent, can be used, not that I ever would. Would love a better one though.

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