Tonights outing

Prospecting Australia

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roy cobb said:
Went to a local park tonight only found $2 and some trash ( pullrings etc ) but was a great learning experience

Hi Roy

May I suggest that you get the map out and locate around 10 tot lots (children's playgrounds) around your area and detect around the play equipment. This is how I started.

You are looking for playgrounds with wood chips around the play equipment - just make sure your detector coil doesn't get too close to play equipment as it will set it off (metal).

You can use your foot to kick most of the chips out of the way to find the change, etc dropped. Hot spots are under the swings, at the base of a slide - and any area below a "hanging" monkey bars type of equipment. Should pick up $0-$10 at each site.

Depending on how difficult you find it to pinpoint the target you may invest in a pro pointer to assist you.

Great way to learn your detector. You will also detect foil - learn how the 705 can be set to discriminate out the foil and happy days! ;)
I used to really do well in tot lots, but I was using a C&G Wildcat then, and you could detect right up to the steel posts without getting any interference. was also good for checking under low fences, The coil would only detect what was under it, not the sides, or the top.
