todays find

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Jul 21, 2015
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Took the Aldi for a quick swing today up in the bush.Found this as I was just about to head home.Couldn't find the rest of it.
That is nice Eldorado, maybe the rest will be around there somewhere, maybe a tussle and a frustrated throw of the barrel ,... ten yards at the most at that age I recon. ;) 8)
I am going to use this post to put up all my future finds.Went for a swing today in a local park.Lots of junk ,but did manage to find a no.31 American ford station wagon,made in England by lesney.Same as this one but in a lot worse condition.


Here is a photo of my find.Looks like it was played with pretty hard.
Played the top right off it, good one, still got some rubber left too ! :D
silver said:
Played the top right off it, good one, still got some rubber left too ! :D
Yeah no roof,kid must have wanted a convertible,wheels are of the steel variety.What I love is imagining how it got there.Kids playing in the shade of the big cork tree 50 odd years ago, probably went home crying because he had lost his car.
Great find El!!

I can remember "certain" kids at my primary school, burying matchbox cars in the sandpit till the owner forgot about them, and then digging them up, and claiming them for his/her own :D

Must go back and detect that old "mini car graveyard" one day.......... ;)