Rinse the cheese grater with cold water so that the cheese doesn't melt into it as you clean it for the pre wash. That way the cheese just falls off too easily.
Today I'm currently learning to stay in my car when it's hailing , and lightning is hitting the swash zone . sitting in the car waiting it out. Also learnt I'm mad 8) :lol:
Today I learned that air rinsing a 4ltr icecream lid in straight hot water can result in a flick of hotwater up your fore arm ,.... adrenilin rush immediately afterwards was as intense as the heat shock ! :8
I really don't give a rat's to be honest but let's face the facts, the PUBLIC have spoken now it's upto the numb sculls to spin their *****. In the global scheme of things if world war 3 breaks out it doesn't matter what I or anyone else on the forum thinks or says. If economies suffer doesn't matter what we think or say it won't change bugger all it'll only do your head in trying to understand the *****.