Well I just hit the 1000 posts mark. ... Not all that I'm proud of but a mini milestone nonetheless, so advance apologies if anyone reading is rolling their eyes reading this. Recapping and remembering this journey is been quite a ride. Firstly I want to thank anyone who's pointed me in the right direction, congratulated my wins, offered up more than I've given back and mostly those who've made me laugh. Another season on I'm still learning something every day and being supported by some great minds and great personalities has helped make this one the most enjoyable yet.
I've spent many a day with some of the members here, attended events I found out about here, and from these things some great mateship and mentoring has been a real highlight. Eldorado around the corner is the next outward step and I can't wait. On the other side I've had my disagreements at times and yet nothing has ever gotten to far out of hand. Often getting the wrong end of the stick helps build character. It also points to the wide range of diversity of members and experiences which adds to the experience.
Hopefully somewhere along the way I've helped someone I'll never meet enjoy their prospecting or detecting experience a little more, as others have done for me. There's more here than I could ever comfortably process. There are a few members I aspire to, and could only try to emulate. I hope they hang around and continue to post, coach, and advise, because that's where the entertainment comes from. I can also advocate those silent, New or old to add their experiences no matter how big or small, that's what will continue to make this place not only great, but better.
Any way I'll leave it there except to say thanks to Nugget and the mods. Great forum.
I've spent many a day with some of the members here, attended events I found out about here, and from these things some great mateship and mentoring has been a real highlight. Eldorado around the corner is the next outward step and I can't wait. On the other side I've had my disagreements at times and yet nothing has ever gotten to far out of hand. Often getting the wrong end of the stick helps build character. It also points to the wide range of diversity of members and experiences which adds to the experience.
Hopefully somewhere along the way I've helped someone I'll never meet enjoy their prospecting or detecting experience a little more, as others have done for me. There's more here than I could ever comfortably process. There are a few members I aspire to, and could only try to emulate. I hope they hang around and continue to post, coach, and advise, because that's where the entertainment comes from. I can also advocate those silent, New or old to add their experiences no matter how big or small, that's what will continue to make this place not only great, but better.
Any way I'll leave it there except to say thanks to Nugget and the mods. Great forum.