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Nov 4, 2014
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I took a photo of this object, owned by the pastoralist on whose station I stayed recently.
I was gobsmacked to learn what it was part of.
Those old timers were amazing..!
Not sure what the use of that particular wooden pipe is but I'm sure it will be not only interesting but intelligent. About 4 or 5 years ago I know of a water authority who replaced the last of the wooden sewer pipes from the late 1800's 8) let's just say it's a big town in the GT :eek:.
They had a need for transporting, available material and ingenuity :Y: they weren't to concerned about partial loss so long as it achieved their goal :Y:.
Yeah Goldchaser, those forebears of ours were bloody unbelievable in what they could achieve with the resources on hand.
Just imagine the effort to cut all that timber and tie it up with wire and lay a 45 km. length through creeks and gullies....ironmen for sure.

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