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Jul 21, 2015
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Seems that the suburban butchers are doing it a bit tough.My usual butcher has closed down because of his health but he did tell me months ago that we will be lucky to see a suburban butcher in the next 5 -10 years.I can think of 4 that have closed in town in the last 10 years.So I went to another butcher run by a bloke who I used to work with at the local abattoir.Had a chat with him and he told me how tough it is to make a $ these days.Apparently a steer that 5 years ago was $600 is now $2000 and a lamb that was $80-$90 is now $230.He went on to say that he can't up his prices too much because people will just go to Coles or Woolies and he would be better off just raising cattle and lambs on his farm and selling them at the sale yards and forgetting about the butchering side.He loves the game and doesn't want to let down his loyal customers.
These poor blokes trying to make an honest dollar are just being priced out by the big chains.Anyway guys support your local suburban butcher and buy some real snags not that crap that the supermarkets are calling sausages.Its a real shame.
And when all the small butchers close down the big shops will screw their prices right up. No competition.
Our local butcher in East Brisbane got nearly all his beef from Killarney Qld. Bloody beautiful quality. Just couldn't keep up.
G'day Sven 30+ yrs and top class all the way . ]:D
I fully agree with above comments. I'm a retired small business owner and have seen the impact of the big chain stores on the independents whether they be butchers, camping stores, hardware etc.
My wife and I during our travels always buy from local butcher and small grocers in country towns, always quality and excellent service. Im saying that I also understand that some people because of financial pressure need to shop as cheap as possible and I never criticise them for that.
Same thing happened here 6 months ago, bloke used to hang all his meat in his coolroom for 2 or 3 weeks, made all his own sausages, smoked meats, new every bodies names, now gone
Stuck with super market flavourless, textureless rubbish :mad: :mad: :mad:
Couldn't agree more :Y: supporting all local small business is the only way to go. We have fantastic local butchers in Broadford Seymour.
Couple of good one's in Euroa also that we get to butcher our beef ..................... ya can't beat your local butcher for a good yak either LMAO
Yep, I've been a big supporter of butchers over the years, and try to avoid supermarket meat where possible.

I guess you were talking about Sturt's Meat's a Treat in the back of Ellsmere street, El Dorado.

I used to get all my meat there, but have been in the last few years going to Mick in Kinghorne St, who grows all his own beef. Square Meaters, all dry aged. Just beautiful.

He is not really much more expensive for steaks than the supermarkets if you buy the premium brands, and much better quality. You can get the cuts done just the way you like them, too.

The Lost River meats from Crookwell they sell at Farmer Felds is very good quality, too, and nice sausages to boot.
Sign of the time I'm afraid. It is a real problem everywhere. Small towns that are dependent on the local businesses are sadly getting less people living in them and when that happens the young kids need to look to the cities for work so the towns turn into retirement villages. Makes me think that the only way to help fix this is to tax big companies very hard. It wont happen though because they run the country. Some may not agree but thats my view on it.
It's the way of the world, these days you have no idea who owns what any more. About six years ago Woollies opened a new supermarket in one of the coastal holiday towns here and all the locals were up in arms about how the big bad corporate shop was going to cause all the small local businesses to go broke.
When it was pointed out to these people that it was them that were sending the local blokes broke by not supporting them they didn't want to hear about that ... no no, it was all Woolworths fault.
Then they all went and cried poor, "we are pensioners and have to make our money go further" and off they all went to shop at Woollies.
7.62marksman said:
We have had 2 close down this year ond one i use to get all my meat from

Ken, try the one at East Nowra shops, he has superb meat and it won't send you broke.
DrDuck said:
Yep, I've been a big supporter of butchers over the years, and try to avoid supermarket meat where possible.

I guess you were talking about Sturt's Meat's a Treat in the back of Ellsmere street, El Dorado.

I used to get all my meat there, but have been in the last few years going to Mick in Kinghorne St, who grows all his own beef. Square Meaters, all dry aged. Just beautiful.

He is not really much more expensive for steaks than the supermarkets if you buy the premium brands, and much better quality. You can get the cuts done just the way you like them, too.

The Lost River meats from Crookwell they sell at Farmer Felds is very good quality, too, and nice sausages to boot.
We have been going to Stuart's El Meato for years DrDuck as my wife has known Stuart through playing darts.I met Mick while working at the abattoir 20 years ago,so he will be getting our business from now on.I think he has his own little abattoir on his property.It was nice to talk to you the other night Doc.Sorry I had to run off, I was getting evil eyes from my supervisor.
Yep, its was Stuart's El Meato, not Meat's a Treat. That is Graham's place in Crookwell, I was having a seniors moment.

It was good to catch up briefly at the Workers, and I understand about supervisors, as I used to work in clubs back in the late '70s and early 80's!

here is no doubt that Mick has beautiful meat!

Eldorado said:
DrDuck said:
Yep, I've been a big supporter of butchers over the years, and try to avoid supermarket meat where possible.

I guess you were talking about Sturt's Meat's a Treat in the back of Ellsmere street, El Dorado.

I used to get all my meat there, but have been in the last few years going to Mick in Kinghorne St, who grows all his own beef. Square Meaters, all dry aged. Just beautiful.

He is not really much more expensive for steaks than the supermarkets if you buy the premium brands, and much better quality. You can get the cuts done just the way you like them, too.

The Lost River meats from Crookwell they sell at Farmer Felds is very good quality, too, and nice sausages to boot.
We have been going to Stuart's El Meato for years DrDuck as my wife has known Stuart through playing darts.I met Mick while working at the abattoir 20 years ago,so he will be getting our business from now on.I think he has his own little abattoir on his property.It was nice to talk to you the other night Doc.Sorry I had to run off, I was getting evil eyes from my supervisor.

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