Steve's finds

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Aug 14, 2016
Reaction score
Ok then, day 3 of learning and I thought I'd show the results. The car's in for a service today so couldn't get out but one thing I've learnt is that digging holes in the backyard is apparently not a productive use of my time unless it involves gardening. I tried to point out that drunken housewives hanging the washing out could drop all sorts of things around the clothesline but some people just don't understand logic.

The coins and brass screw are from Stockton beach and the brass hose nozzle is from the backyard.

B5MECH said:
At least you found the hose fitting so you can water the garden :lol: What machine are you using?

Hi B5MECH, I just bought a Garrett 400i (my first ever detector). Would have liked better but the $ don't stretch that far at the moment. Think I'm kicking myself for not getting the Minelab 705 for an extra $50 but the salesperson talked me out of it saying the Garrett was better being a waterproof coil. Doesn't matter, I can always upgrade if I really get into it. Think it's going to take a while to properly understand the readings I'm getting hey. I seem to be digging bigger holes than I need to. Perhaps I should invest in one of those pin pointer things?
Pinpointer will save you a lot of time and prevent you scratching good coins. I would suggest having a jar where your spendable finds go and use your finds to upgrade if you feel you want to and get the pinpointer. You'd be surprised how fast the finds add up.
It took me maybe 2 months before I found my first penny so it's definately a capable machine, stockton is a huge beach so to find it there is a feat in itself
Well done :)
Nowonmaii,those brass spray nozzles are $15 at Bunnings.Good score. The penny is a beauty as well,enjoy the new detector mate and welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the group Nowonmaii
If the 400 is as good as the 250 , you have a very capable detector, that should serve you well
Theres nothing wrong with those results for your first go ... Certainly better than mine and many others ;)
Great finds. I have the 400i too, it's great, does well on the beach. The pin point function is pretty good on it once you get the hang of it.
The 400i looks like a good unit, the recovery speed seems to be way ahead of the Ace 350 that it replaces - at least you now have target ID's as well. Definitely get a pinpointer, you will wonder how the heck you ever managed without one, the new Garrett pinpointers are good units, love my AT Propinter. ;)

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