Headed out today with a time limit, but chucked all the gear in just in case. Decided to put in some test pans in a popular place in a new area. After coming up short for over an hour I bit the bullet and decided to get wet, pussy footing around just wasn't cutting it. I've had my share of luck uncovering some good steaks in the easy to get to stretches, but as always those quickly run out, so time to get into the better but harder spots. Tackled the barbs and deep water (bloody freezing) and set in to the mindset of good coloured pans. The next half an hour was patchy, alot of smashed flake, so i crawled up on the bank and really tried to"see" the best spots. Often just focusing on point a to point b can really narrow it down. After a bit of soul searching and scratching around i was still going nowhere. Thoughts of a warm shower and quitting were entering my mind. So the final method i know came to mind, gridding up and digging to bedrock bottom. After a bit of heavy shovelling i hit a familiar sight, ironstone heavies all grouped together with a big patch of glass. A couple of pans confirmed the spot as productive and scurried off for the low banker. Two tubs and two hours later the hole was still giving up colour getting better by the shovelful. the cold however got the better of me, and i packed up to pan out at home. I'm sure by some standards this might be disappointing, but for the small amount of material moved and time spent processing it well today was golden. I guess the moral of the story is don't give up, the next move you make might be the best of the day. Enjoy