So Once You've Found Your Gold???

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Apr 23, 2020
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So just wondering what happens to the gold once you guys get it home?

Do you store it segregated according to date and location it was found or do you simply store it all together? Does it need checking for purity or Does it need any further refining at all?

Once enough is collected, do people cast thier own small ingots at home or is it sold on as it is??

I am not talking about small commercial mining operations here, just what the average enthusiast would do...

Thanks in advance,

keep it until you need the money then sell it better if you dont melt it down

but dont tell everyone that its under the mattress :playful: :playful: :playful: :playful:
mine is under the dog bed O:) O:) O:)
At one stage I was keeping my in gold seperate jars for which coil I was using at the time,but I ended up putting them all together as I had to many coils,now I just keep them in yearly lots.
The only time you need to check for purity is when you are selling it as a nugget,but most people buy nuggets for their looks or weight,but it can make it more attractive in a sales pitch if you know the purity or general location of where it is from,as some gold can be dirty higher levels of copper and silver.
Depending on size of the nuggets you have found relates to what you do with them,it is easier to sell a bigger nugget say a few grams than selling .1 and .2 nuggets,I have made a set of earrings for my three girls for their 5th birthday,but it is really hard to find a matching pair size and shape.
When you crush your specimens they usually get melted into buttons or ingots and then sent away and cashed in or taken to a gold buyer.
I like to keep my specimens whole as they are more interesting to look at than a melted bar,once melted it is just a slab of metal and loses its appeal to me,but I like rocks.
Peko said:
At one stage I was keeping my in gold seperate jars for which coil I was using at the time,but I ended up putting them all together as I had to many coils,now I just keep them in yearly lots.
The only time you need to check for purity is when you are selling it as a nugget,but most people buy nuggets for their looks or weight,but it can make it more attractive in a sales pitch if you know the purity or general location of where it is from,as some gold can be dirty higher levels of copper and silver.
Depending on size of the nuggets you have found relates to what you do with them,it is easier to sell a bigger nugget say a few grams than selling .1 and .2 nuggets,I have made a set of earrings for my three girls for their 5th birthday,but it is really hard to find a matching pair size and shape.
When you crush your specimens they usually get melted into buttons or ingots and then sent away and cashed in or taken to a gold buyer.
I like to keep my specimens whole as they are more interesting to look at than a melted bar,once melted it is just a slab of metal and loses its appeal to me,but I like rocks.

Thanks for that...Years ago I came across a guy prospecting on one of the streams on our deer stalking lease..

We had a good chat, and up to that point, I never realised people panned for gold here in the UK...

He told me he had been doing it since he was a teenager, and when he eventually got married he had both his wife's engagement and weddings rings made from gold he had found, which like those eating you had made, results in items that really unique and special....
Pete E said:
Thanks for that...Years ago I came across a guy prospecting on one of the streams on our deer stalking lease..

We had a good chat, and up to that point, I never realised people panned for gold here in the UK...

He told me he had been doing it since he was a teenager, and when he eventually got married he had both his wife's engagement and weddings rings made from gold he had found, which like those eating you had made, results in items that really unique and special....

There are a few vids on youtube of people panning and sluicing in Wales and Scotland, there may be other areas as well.
Whisp said:
Pete E said:
Thanks for that...Years ago I came across a guy prospecting on one of the streams on our deer stalking lease..

We had a good chat, and up to that point, I never realised people panned for gold here in the UK...

He told me he had been doing it since he was a teenager, and when he eventually got married he had both his wife's engagement and weddings rings made from gold he had found, which like those eating you had made, results in items that really unique and special....

There are a few vids on youtube of people panning and sluicing in Wales and Scotland, there may be other areas as well.

Yes, I have watched a few of those videos...I live in North Wales and that is the area I am primarily interested in...I spent years travelling to Scotland once a month for my deer stalking and to be honest the travelling up there is no longer appealling especially when I have potential areas much closer to home....
Thanks for that...Years ago I came across a guy prospecting on one of the streams on our deer stalking lease..

We had a good chat, and up to that point, I never realised people panned for gold here in the UK...

He told me he had been doing it since he was a teenager, and when he eventually got married he had both his wife's engagement and weddings rings made from gold he had found, which like those eating you had made, results in items that really unique and special....

Assuming you're in the UK. Technically there are very few places in the UK you can legally pan for gold as generally it belongs to the crown. So if you find any, 'mum's the word'.
There is/was a commercial gold mine running at Tyndrum, Scotland.
Mr Magoo said:
Thanks for that...Years ago I came across a guy prospecting on one of the streams on our deer stalking lease..

We had a good chat, and up to that point, I never realised people panned for gold here in the UK...

He told me he had been doing it since he was a teenager, and when he eventually got married he had both his wife's engagement and weddings rings made from gold he had found, which like those eating you had made, results in items that really unique and special....

Assuming you're in the UK. Technically there are very few places in the UK you can legally pan for gold as generally it belongs to the crown. So if you find any, 'mum's the word'.
There is/was a commercial gold mine running at Tyndrum, Scotland.

Yes there was one at Tyndrum and there was another very famous on in North Wales but that closed a few years back.

I am still checking on the legality side of things as it's not very clear and a number of other factors come into play such as the conservation status of the area concerned..
It sounds like you have a few trips before you worry about what to do with the spoils.
I hope I am wrong. Maybe have a crack at the crown jewels may bring quicker success over there in Boris Land.
Young Wilfred looks like a goer !!! Good luck

GT :goldpan: :pickshovel:

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