Silver's watches.

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Jun 4, 2014
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW
Sorry mate, realised i made a mistake regards dad and gandad after i'd posted. Looked after the milkmaids hey? Sounds like Benny Hill :lol: Lovely watch and something to pass on hey?

Very Benny Hill :lol:
I thought exactly the same thing
Sorry mate, realised i made a mistake regards dad and gandad after i'd posted. Looked after the milkmaids hey? Sounds like Benny Hill :lol: Lovely watch and something to pass on hey?
I grew up watching benny hill in my teens,...soo funny hey. :p And the watch will definately be getting passed down the line. :D
Actually Silver that just sparked something...
Thought it looked familiar.
Ive got a box of clocks and watches im about to put on ebay
Just dug this out ... Its only a cheapo dodgy but very similar



Got another one with goat on it . Not sure what the significance would be ... Except zodiac sign maybe
Goat milkmans retirement watch(maybe). :eek: :p
Makes me wonder about grandads watch now,.. Gadzooks. :p
my thread is allways hijacked lol, but you can have permission Silver :) I love old pocketwatches, have one myself.
It's ok RKT,... I got dragged away Kicking and screaming :mad: (not) :D from your thread,... but you can post photos of your watch here too if you like,... might be a good spot for the old tick tock identification, over time(ha). :lol:
At least yours made it Sandta,.... wonder where in the either mine got to ? :eek:
Maybe RJs got em on his thread(haha chuckle chuckle),... well they were pretty good pickys. :D
I'll repost those photos at some stage and you could move them up the top for me when you get the chance,.. then just remove this post for me thanks RJ. ;) :D
An old silver fob watch I found BPA.

bit of proximity rust from laying next to some rusting iron.

Pin on the right looks a little rusted


button to open it looks not too bad

nice carving and tapping job

And of course that lip that even now still becons to be prised open. ;)
And Grandads old Gold fob watch,... that he got when he worked keeping an eye on the milk maids for years and years as a retirement gift from his big bosses. :)





Handed down to my Dad, then handed down to me,... and I will pass it down the line as well. ;) :D
Ramjet said:
Hmmm apparently I created 2 Silvers watches top is. I'll fix it in the morning.
Ok,... well it's the two photo posts on this thread that I've posted up that will need removing as I couldn't remember what I said first time round,... so that'll be good RJ. :lol:
Exterminate Exterminate...... :lol:
Ye not sure how i got involved it
You can delete my pics ... Boy ;)
There quite irrelevant really

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