There have been some great button finds by members over the years. Some have sparked interest, some mystery but the story behind some of our greatest and most memorable button finds are sometimes lost in the overwhelming volume of threads and posts.
So here it is, a dedicated topic to share your button finds.
I will start off with a button I found at my local WW1 and WW2 site. It was found in a bit of bush below a old foundation, a structure I have long expected dated before the war era army camps. I have found no record of one of King Edward VII regiments in the locality, so it is a mystery button. Did the Boar War regiment train here or did a serviceman live in a sandstone foundation hut on the site ?
So here it is, a dedicated topic to share your button finds.
I will start off with a button I found at my local WW1 and WW2 site. It was found in a bit of bush below a old foundation, a structure I have long expected dated before the war era army camps. I have found no record of one of King Edward VII regiments in the locality, so it is a mystery button. Did the Boar War regiment train here or did a serviceman live in a sandstone foundation hut on the site ?