The state of mens health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years. Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50. Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. Thats one every minute.
Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing this health crisis and its not being talked about.
We cant afford to stay silent.
Ok members, here's a chance to support a good cause by making a donation to Reeko's Movember donation page.
Rules are:
- Make a donation to Reeko's movember link to get one guess at the nuggets weight, leaving your PA username in the donation "name" field
- Comp to finish on sunday the 4th of December at 8pm
- Nugget to be sent via reg post to winner by Reeko
- Guess to be made in grams to 0.00g
-First member to guess the exact weight wins the prize, if the exact weight fails to be guessed then the closest guess wins the prize.
The 'Golden Mo' is a nice Stuart Town nuggy that Reeko found a few trips ago, the nug is quite reefy and still contains a small portion of white quartz and is quite stunning
Make your donation here
It is a safe and easy to use payment system using a credit or debit card.
Please dig deep guys and thankyou for your support!
Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing this health crisis and its not being talked about.
We cant afford to stay silent.
Ok members, here's a chance to support a good cause by making a donation to Reeko's Movember donation page.
Rules are:
- Make a donation to Reeko's movember link to get one guess at the nuggets weight, leaving your PA username in the donation "name" field
- Comp to finish on sunday the 4th of December at 8pm
- Nugget to be sent via reg post to winner by Reeko
- Guess to be made in grams to 0.00g
-First member to guess the exact weight wins the prize, if the exact weight fails to be guessed then the closest guess wins the prize.
The 'Golden Mo' is a nice Stuart Town nuggy that Reeko found a few trips ago, the nug is quite reefy and still contains a small portion of white quartz and is quite stunning
Make your donation here
It is a safe and easy to use payment system using a credit or debit card.
Please dig deep guys and thankyou for your support!