Pudding Finds

Prospecting Australia

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Aug 17, 2016
Reaction score
Perth, WA
I got myself an Ace 150 last month and been trying it out when I get a spare moment from the kids. Found a couple of $2 coins here and there and heaps of 1c and 2c pieces but I'm still trying to work out the tones etc. and finding things became much easier once I got a Pro-Pointer.

Went to a local school today and had a pretty good run, here's everything;
Also with that last one, it's pretty beat up and hard to make anything out of it but my wife and I both can see an 18 at the bottom, and something ending in IA, but that's all unfortunately. I expect a coin, if it is that, in this condition isn't of value to anyone? Is there any way to clean it up?

Goldpick said:
Interesting one Pudding, still a bit hard to make out what it is - what is the other side like? :)

Just as rough unfortunately. I was trying around some old trees and it was quite deep so I'll have to go back for a closer look next time.
Definitely worth revisiting to see if there is more there
It is a bit of a shame about its condition, but a good indicator of potential older finds
That penny looks like its near new :)
Sandta said:
That penny looks like its near new :)
Yeah, I was stoked finding my first Penny, it was very shallow under a bunch of leaves in the bush surrounding the oval. Since it's a school there was soo much lunchbox trash everywhere, which made it really hard deciphering all the signals, so I was lucky. I'm getting a sniper coil next week which will hopefully make it easier for me when I return.