Panning question

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Jun 21, 2015
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Sitting at home today panning off a couple of buckets and I noticed that all the gold ends up in the right hand side of the pan. Now I know it must be because of the way I pan but I always shake front to back and a little sideways and don't swirl so I don't know why it ends on the right? Doesn't really matter but just wondering if anyone else finds this
Hi there Bjay,
If i was to have a guess, assuming you must be right-handed. So though your agitation of your wash looks even either front to back or sideways motion your right arm is the most dominant in control and strength of the pan drawing the gold to the right.
I normally pan with both hands but yes I'm more right handed so even though I think I'm even I'm probably not. Good explanation thanks, never thought of it like that.
Probably once you get down to the one hand. Make sure you are fully swashing it left to right evenly with one hand as little jiggles can do what your speaking about. Its not bad or anything unless its clearing past riffles. I had the habit when I'd rest my elbow on my knee panning and realised I wasn't giving the pan enough movement. Great comment Hedigs
just over .5 gram from the hole. Think my technique is ok but could be loosing some due to it ending up on one side. My have to try what's suggested to refine it a little. Thanks
Hedigs said:
Hi there Bjay,
If i was to have a guess, assuming you must be right-handed. So though your agitation of your wash looks even either front to back or sideways motion your right arm is the most dominant in control and strength of the pan drawing the gold to the right.

That sounds about right. Cheers Jemba
Nice picture, saw this video a while back talking about this. They suggest as other have here, that we can have a dominant hand thus more force one way or the other.
What they say is to keep the arm taught from the elbow, don't just use the wrist, and shake your pan with the wrist taught and just move the whole arm, this apparently give the same force as if you were panning with both hands.
I'm right handed but use 2 hands until gravels are getting low in pan, then I use right hand, I tend to find my gold goes to the left side though, might have to try some new techniques & see how it goes.