out again and a coil change

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Feb 15, 2013
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went out for another swing for about 2 hours but this time i switched to my little 6" 18.75 DD i put up with it for about an hour but it kept giving 48s every time it touched anything so i swapped again not to my normal coil which is the 11"DD my fav coil at the moment i put on the gold pack coil which is the 10 x 5 18.75 and ran that one for the rest of the session .
found a bit of stuff i will let the pictures explain , love the old bottle ,pity it was broken when i saw it sticking out of the dirt nice colour though no marble in it .the old timer knife was once a nice knife too but all that time under ground was not kind to it at all .
very strange i washed that nice purple bottle and now its not purple . only thing i can think is that the purple was maybe a stain from rain dripping off the apple box gum tree leaves of the tree i found it under . any other ideas would like to know .only washed it in warm soapy water.

the coins after a light bath , not giving my coins a scrub from now on until i work out exactly what each coin is . of course because of the state they are recovered from the soil in they have to have a bit of a wash at the very least .
they do look better a bit grubby looking like this sixpence is now much nicer than spotless sparkling i think .
Very nice mate :Y:

It probably looked darker because it was covered in dirt.
Im guessing thst the darker patch was the visible piece you could see on the ground
The colour comes from the manganese ( i think ... its been a while :rolleyes: ) in the glass production
Now its all cleaned up .... put it outside in direct sunlight .... it will all turn that beautiful dark purple colour :)
Does it have a triangle on the bottom ?
Often items with the triangle will turn purple. I cant remember what the significance of the triangle is though :8 :rolleyes:
Ive definitely forgotten much more things than i can remember :(
Im sure someone on here will have more (better/correct) info

If your interested ...
Diamond saw (for gems) in a wet box , cut off the broken top...
Makes for a nice vase, pen/pencil holder , glasses etc
My mum has heaps of different ones ive done
I have heard that the rainbow effect on bottles is from the minerals in the soil staining the glass.I have a few bottles with the same effect.

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