Old Site with the goods

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Feb 26, 2015
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Well have done heaps of hours on this old site for very little, lots of lead and old brass bits and pieces maybe 40 hours so far for 3 coins but fortunetly one of them was gold. 1853 Victoria Half Sovereign got a little down when I saw the hole punched in it but then got over myself and celebrated the find and gave a little thanks to the goddess of gold, quite bad condition so only really worth the gold it is made of. The other 2 coins a 1855 Four Pence and 1842 Farthing (as best I can make out) as both of these are in quite bad condition also. These old site are certainly very difficult to work with tons of steel and rubbish in the ground as I can only assume when people left they just left everything behind huts and houses included but digging every tone has paid off.
thanks fellas the ground is very hard and after digging so much trash I was lucky not to put a pick through it as well. The ground is a little hot and the sov came in at 12-26 but on top 12-20, was in with lots of crap and very iffy tone but was one of the first tones in the 20's with not much other junk around that, mostly low teens and into the early to mid 30's. Lots of brass buckles which sucks as they are 12-30 nearly every time. The CTX is just an awesome machine.
Goldpick said:
Three bucket list coins in one outing, outstanding - regardless of condition! ;)

Not in 1 outing each coin was found on separate ocassions. I spent nearly 5 hours the first go for nothing and nearly didn't go back as I thought I would of got at least a few coins on first try.
Regardless, still an excellent effort to pull out some rare coins, even more so considering only a single coin was found on each outing. I really do enjoy searching for those older coins, and more than often they do not come easily, though worth the effort even if it is only one good coin. Can you remember what the farthing and groat registered as on the ctx?

If you get the chance, I would love to see some close ups of those coins. :)
Goldpick said:
Regardless, still an excellent effort to pull out some rare coins, even more so considering only a single coin was found on each outing. I really do enjoy searching for those older coins, and more than often they do not come easily, though worth the effort even if it is only one good coin. Can you remember what the farthing and groat registered as on the ctx?

If you get the chance, I would love to see some close ups of those coins. :)

Yeah the farthing came in at a clear 13-45 and it was by it's self and thought for sure shilling or penny and the 4p 12-37 though in ground this one I am sure was 12-32 and another iffy one amongst the crap. I will try and get some close ups for you when I get a chance. The 4p kind of looks like it had a hole punched in it to and then was kind of repaired, I had to bycarb it just to work out what it was I thought 3p as it is the same size as our 3p but you can just make out four pence.

Yes lots of work, I did away with my rubbish pouch and just pushed a bucket around with my feet.
I'd say both the groat (4 pence), and half sovereign were once jewellery items worn around the neck or similar, can't think of any other reasoning behind the holes on silver/gold coins. I did find a George III hp with a hole through it a while back, though it was a square nail hole, and most likely to have been used as a good luck charm nailed to the front gate of a house (something to do with the Irish).
oh thats the one i lost, had it pinned to my hat, thats why it's got the little hole i put in it :rolleyes:.

very nice mate, i wouldnt worry at all about the little hole....... YOU GOT A HALF SOVEREIGN!!!!!!
goldwright said:
Goldpick said:
Regardless, still an excellent effort to pull out some rare coins, even more so considering only a single coin was found on each outing. I really do enjoy searching for those older coins, and more than often they do not come easily, though worth the effort even if it is only one good coin. Can you remember what the farthing and groat registered as on the ctx?

If you get the chance, I would love to see some close ups of those coins. :)

Yeah the farthing came in at a clear 13-45 and it was by it's self and thought for sure shilling or penny and the 4p 12-37 though in ground this one I am sure was 12-32 and another iffy one amongst the crap. I will try and get some close ups for you when I get a chance. The 4p kind of looks like it had a hole punched in it to and then was kind of repaired, I had to bycarb it just to work out what it was I thought 3p as it is the same size as our 3p but you can just make out four pence.

Yes lots of work, I did away with my rubbish pouch and just pushed a bucket around with my feet.

A 2 cent piece can ring in at 13.45 also. Stuff dreams are made of, congrats man
Well really finding these old sites are lots of hard work with very little return but one more coin from the site this morning. 1829 Shilling ( I think ) it is the same size as a shilling. Quite good condition but this ground would never hold water for very long. Cool anyway as this is my oldest coin so far

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