Old mine town

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Mar 12, 2017
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Black stump, NSW
Found this old village out in middle of the scrub. Used to have a school, wardens hut, shops and 3,500 people living here.
This tank used to be full of cyanide. There is a heap of material in the bottom of it. Would it be safe to pan it.
Mate run for the hills! Unless of course you are intending to come to a grizzly end, then go for your life. It's. a choice
Seriously, you should not play with these nasties.
Ps nice knowing you.
Perfectly fine just wear gloves, any cyanide on the top would have formed hydrogen sulphide many years ago and evaporated.
Cyanide in the soil is biodegradable and would have long gone
Not sure mate, Ill have a sticky in what stuff I have here tomorrow (locked cabinet in cluttered dark shed inhabited by massive mulga snake) but if nothing there Ill see what dr google tells me
Cheers. I've been doing that. There's a fair bit of info, but a lot of it is pages and pages of academic mumbo-jumbo. Good on 'em. Must be pretty boring, but important work. From what I can gather, the types used for gold extraction do seem to break down relatively quickly in soils..
Of course, the info from the mining sites is somewhat at odds with a few of the other sources. But the stuff does occur naturally all around us.
I sometimes go to a place where there was a spill many years ago. I don't go swimming there and I don't drink the water either, but all the animals thereabouts seem mighty healthy! I seem to remember reading years ago that some forms of naturally occurring cyanides are good for preventing and even fighting 'cancer's.
Pretty interesting!

Ps, if anyone is interested that place is Pegleg creek - below the Timbara Gold Mine on the Rocky (Timbara) River near Tenterfield. lolol I should also add that I'm not in a hurry to go back because I have not found anything much there! Maybe the cyanide leak dissolved it all back into the never never. A fella next to that creek breeds some of the best looking race-horses I've ever seen!

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