Old campground

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Jul 21, 2015
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I found an old campground here in Goulburn and thought it might be alright for a swing.It's out near Kenmore hospital,thought I might find a few pre decimals but not to be.Grand total of 19c,a London trolleybus by lesney and lots of trash.



This is what it use to look like.
Mate, I think the old Kenmore Pleasure grounds, basically the old swimming hole, which had hire boats and so on is in that general area. It was in use from around 1890, but has been detected many times. I remember a story in Gold, Gem and Treasure a few years ago.
Dr duck it is down where the new Boathouse Estate is being built.There use to be a Lutheran School there,before the new estate is the campground.The power poles where the campers would plug in are still there.I have been told the Lutheran school use to hold like a jamboree type weekend there every year.
You were right Dr Duck, I didn't realise that area was called the Kenmore Pleasure Grounds.I had a swing at the Boathouse a while ago and found nothing but trash,now I know why.There was a story in the paper a few months ago about that area and one of our councillors wanted it restored to its former glory.You can just imagine back in the 1890s,gentlemen rowing the ladies around on the river,picnic lunch,apparently it was a hive of activity.
Mackka said:
Sorry, the Kenmore I was thinking of was the Mental Hospital.
Yeah Mackka that's the same Kenmore.Not operating anymore,hasn't been for years now.My mum use to say when my sister and I were playing up"you kids will have me in Kenmore one day,if you don't behave."I used to think what is she talking about.Its a really creepy place now.A mate of mine had a few wedding photos done at one of the old wards.(sounds weird but heaps of people have wedding photos done out there in front of the old buildings)anyway his young sons and I wandered into this abandoned ward and were walking around inside,it was about 38 degrees this day but we walked past an open door and there was a freezing cold breeze emanating from this particular room,we all looked at each other in shock and got the hell out of there.Still cannot explain that breeze.FREAKY.
Thanks Eldorado and Dr Duck. I remember it from what seems a lifetime ago when I used to pass it as a young rep. I also would have liked to have had a look athe old cemetery next to the jail but never got around to it. I think there would be some history in it.
Thanks again.