
Prospecting Australia

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Feb 18, 2014
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Hi All,

New to all this ,but can't wait to start finding the good stuff! glasses I live in Perth so lots of places to start looking i hope. Is anyone else from Perth?

Cheers Suzie big_smile
Welcome suzieQ, get amongst the thread and let everyone know what you find, we all love seeing pics of yellow! :D
welcome to the page Suzie

what are you interested in more , gold or gemstones ?

You are close to some of the best country for gold where you are , in fact some members from other parts of the country travel to WA from May to September to use metal detectors in their hunt.

Its not always easy but many people find enough to cover their costs and on very rare occasions you will hear of people who get enough to retire on.

When it gets too hot in WA the Eastern States become more attractive for wet prospecting ( using sluices , pans or high bankers ) to search for gold

have a good read here , learn about the safety aspects like taking PLB devices in case you get into trouble , learn basic first aid , how to understand snake species , behaviour , protection and response to them and get together with a few locals

you might even find some prospecting clubs near you to go out on trips with

best wishes
Welcome to the forum Suzie. You're getting yourself involved in a great hobby, which can quite often lead to a lifestyle if it becomes an obsession. The forum has a wealth of knowledge within its threads, and information which can take a lifetime of experience to gain, can be sourced by some diligent reading.

Look forward to hearing how you go, and hope luck follows close in your footsteps.

Cheers Wal.
SuzieQ said:
Hi All,

New to all this ,but can't wait to start finding the good stuff! glasses I live in Perth so lots of places to start looking i hope. Is anyone else from Perth?

Cheers Suzie big_smile
I'm in Perth, which suburb are you in.
Thanks people for the welcome! My interest is in gold really,I find it all very fascinating. I can't wait to start finding some (Hopefully)! Trying to find clubs that arrange trips to goldfields.

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