New To the scene, My Finds with my new 705

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Justin Cleghorn
Supporting Member
Jul 29, 2015
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

Owned my 705 for a day now and have been hitting the back yard hard.
Concentrated on a small patch we have scraped for concrete to go down about 20 sqm.

As I had NO IDEA what I was doing at first and only a basic grip by the end, these where my finds.

the 2 I git excited about are a 194? Half penny
(last digit is obscured)
and a small coin, very degraded about 1mm bigger than a five cent coin.
Green stuff on it so maybe a copper coin?

As well as loads of interesting Junk.

I am still getting used to the 705 and metal detecting in general but I seem to be getting better.

here is a pic of my finds minus the clothes peg and tent peg.

Thanks All, I'll be attacking the yard again today.
My House was built in the Late 30's early 40's so I hope to find some cool stuff.

Take care

great first hunt, you didnt even dig a bottletop, or ringpull? But dont worry, they will be along, and you will dig many (every one of us do).... :lol: Try your whole yard, and even the footpath, your house is the right vintage for old coins, and relics :)
Persistence will pay off. Stick with it they won't find you you must hunt em down Catch em & clean em. It's not called DIRT FISHING for nothing.
A farthing ... Wouldnt that just be the sweetest first find :D
Well done mate keep at it ... We want to see your treasures
Thanks for posting
A great start, I love researching the history and working out what is what as well. Sometimes it is more exciting than finding the object in the first place.

How does the size compare to 2c ?

Soaking in olive oil and tooth brushing sometimes brings out some readable detail over a few days.
Ramjet said:
Brian said:
oh for gods sake am I the only person who cant find a pre bloody decimal coin?

nice work otherwise.. carry on.

LOL. Poor Brian. It'll happen mate. Eventually you'll be like... oh just another penny.

So true mate, I'm sick of pennies, I much prefer silver coins. I was saying that to myself yesterday, "crikey not another one, oh geez these things aren't worth a cracker". :)

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