Evening RJ,
Well another valley dweller has joined the CTX3030 club, we can almost start a 3030 coffee group to swap stories and ideas, settings and the like. Coming from scratch with my 3030 I'm sure you will handle the learning curve for the new beast with some ease due to your previous experience with other detectors.
Don't let the weight factor sour your experience with the 3030, from my 18 months swinging with the GPZ7000 the 3030 seemed fairly light, add the 17x13 coil to the 3030 and we are getting close to parity weight wise between the two machines; it's a mater of conditioning your muscles to the new machine, now six weeks or so swinging the big coil over the beaches the body, mine, has no issues with half day full-on detecting sessions, you just have to sneak up on it so to speak.
Enjoy your new acquisition, you won't be disappointed.
Cheers, SinHof.