MuSKeR's finds with AT PRO

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Feb 13, 2016
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Hey guys,

So I had my first hunt this afternoon. Needless to say results weren't as pleasing as I maybe thought hitting up the most popular beach.

My issue was that I couldn't get control of the pinging on the wet sand.. It just kept going off.. Anyone have any tips on how to adjust it for wet sand.

In the dry sand it was awesome.. It picked up a coke can about 30cm down.. I think I was pretty desperate to find something cool that I would of dug to china.. But it pinged 4 times for 4 successful digs.

I'll post photos tonight when I get home.

Any advice would be great.


Rob :D

As you can see.... Not a good first hunt...

That coke can was a fair way down... About 30cm

Cleaning beaches 1 can at a time.. Lol

The other thing I didn't do was take my pro pointer.. I'll remember next time for easier digs..


Well like I said I was only hitting the dry sand. It was mainly wet due to tide coming in and I was having too many dramas.. I Will set it up correctly for the wet tomorrow though and hopefully have better luck...

Oh and take my pro pointer lol...


Goldpick said:
Hi Rob, this link has a couple of good clips and info on setting up the AT Pro for dry/wet sand and water detectng, hope it helps. :)

Thanks so much for this mate.
Couldn't help myself... Hit the same beach again in the darkness... It's an addiction right?.. Haha. Although atleast this time it's starting to pay itself back!

Hit my first coin on pretty much my last swing..



Congrats on the first coin,... keep it seperate from the rest, as not many of us get to keep our first coin as the special thing it is,.... even though on ebay sentimentality is worth zilch, personaly it's priceless. :D
I agree with that mate. I was pretty excited. I can't see myself finding any pre dec on the beach though unfortunately.

Will be keeping first cap and first spendable for sure. Going to a different beach this afternoon.. Still not comfortable with the looks I'm getting but I'll work through it.
I would hit up a park or something but I don't have the correct digging tool yet..

So Beaches it is.. Lol
good on ya mate keep at it the coins will come. it wont take ya long and you'll have a change tin.

i feel a little funny sometimes too when i go somewhere and theres people around but when i start swinging i dont worry about it..

i get the looks too mate, im a rough looking bugger (ask Atomrat :D ) but iv'e had some lovely people come over for a chat so dont let it worry ya...... no trouble yet.
Could even meet a Mrs Musky while out havin a dig,... never know your luck. :p :D
silver said:
Could even meet a Mrs Musky while out havin a dig,... never know your luck. :p :D

Haha.. Too late for that Silver. It's because I'm married it's taken so long to get into it..and why I do 4am searches Haha... :D
Paulmarr said:
I have found at more than 100 predec coins on the beach but you gotta wait for storms to uncover them ... Keep going!

Excuse my ignorance....

Why wait for storms?
dont forget the grass sections often behind beaches , not the dunes but nice grassy patches to sit out of the wind. often close to the carparks. found more coins the other day in these parts than on the beach... incl a 1952 penny:)
MuSKeR said:
Paulmarr said:
I have found at more than 100 predec coins on the beach but you gotta wait for storms to uncover them ... Keep going!

Excuse my ignorance....

Why wait for storms?

Because the treasure you seek is there ... But buried most of the time too deep for your Garrett to detect ... Big storm ... Bulk removal of sand and rocks ... Treasure everywhere ... Quiet uneventful (weather wise) summer ... A Coke can and .50 cent coin ... Read Team Bogan thread from 2014 to see what I mean ... :)

Help you I will ....
So I went out onto a friends property. My first dig in the dirt.. I'm still not confident enough to not dig something... Even with iron audio I just kept thinking what if lol..


Mainly rubbish.. Couple of bullet casing.. And then that thing up the top right.

This is it cleaned up...Sort of.



It was pinging at 90-91 constantly.. Did not drop at all..

Anyone have an idea or atleast how I tell?



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