Having a chat today with on old hand at detecting, had a fair bit of luck of late on the mullock heaps not far from a new spot I've gotten (many thanks to him) but in chatting he mentioned some interesting observations. The primary one being he seemed to much better on one particular side, which kind of makes sense, so my question is did the old timers have some sort of system when digging their holes, overburden to the left, paydirt to the right sort of thing? Also he had been investigating some of the tracks from mines and mullocks to processing equipment, also with some good results, next question did they mark these out with some sort of obvious clues? He sent some pics but after so many years in the bushland unused they are pretty hard to gauge so he went into patch hunting mode and gridded it up. And in the vein of helping out he put in his email a great sketch of some of the lesser known diggings in the area that would be suitable for digging based on his nugget targets he has extracted, anyone detecting ever gone back to see if they can wash some gold out of these patches? Any guidance appreciated.