Moving House

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 3, 2013
Reaction score
Batemans Bay
Hey there folks...We have just moved house(6th time in 6 years)...Anyway,this time we had a few helpers that decided to pack stuff away and you guessed it,I have prospecting gear spread and packed into all different nooks and crannies and for the life of me I can't find my GPX battery charger lead.I have looked everywhere and have decided that it will turn up but in the meantime I will just buy a new one. Can anyone tell me if they are readily available or is it going to be a pain in the ring..

Most detector shops (Minelab outlets) usually have them available...Coiltek had them when i last bought a new battery, even though i had the earlier one for the 4K.
You need to go detecting. :cool:
A nice relaxing stroll through Mogo
should alleviate those sudden twitch's
and vacant moments you are being
subjected to. ]:D ]:D :D
Sparra said:
Cheers GypsyGold...Before I posted this I spent 2 hours looking for the damn thing...I came out here and posted this,walked into the spare bedroom and there it was hanging off the detector.. :8 :8 Apparently I couldn't see the forest for the trees...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :p :cool:
6 Houses in 6 years... Is Someone Looking for you?... :p :lol: ... Thought I was bad with 4 in 8 yrs... :rolleyes: Im still looking for some Rocks that are missing.. ]:D

9 in 20 and i thought that was bad :mad: :mad:
you would never get to unpack before you move again :lol: :lol:
well it does save on packing costs :D :D :D :D
LoneWolf said:
6 Houses in 6 years... Is Someone Looking for you?... :p :lol: ... Thought I was bad with 4 in 8 yrs... :rolleyes: Im still looking for some Rocks that are missing.. ]:D


:lol: :lol: Same house for 21 years and then thought a new one would be nice..Sold the old one and moved into a rental,moved out of the rental into the new house when it was finished..18 months later had an offer we couldn't refuse...out of that house into another rental and built another new house..moved into that one for a while and had it valued,added a few extra dollars onto the realestate valuation and it sold in a week.
Moved out of that into another rental and 3 months later it got put on the market so we have just moved out of it into a house that we have had rented out but the tenants just moved out so we are here for a while.
Just bought a couple of acres and will be building again in the next few months so one move left and that will be it(I hope)..But we have said that about the last 2 houses so time will tell... :) :)

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