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May 26, 2017
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Wollongong, NSW
Being a newbie to this forum, I've been struggling to get through as many of the old topics and posts as I can. Great reading by the way.
Anyhoo, I was reading about members having run ins with snakes, spiders, leeches, etc. It reminded me of another danger for the unwary .... electric fences.
Many years back myself and 2 mates were bass fishing along an east coast creek. There were farms along both sides of this creek and every 100mtrs or so there was an electric fence running right up to the creek. No problem, 2 strands of wire well spaced and easy to duck through. We walked for miles along the creek that afternoon and before long it was getting too dark to see, so we started the long trek back to the car, following the creek. Well one of my mates (who always seems to have silly mishaps) decided to make a pit stop. He whipped out the "old fella" and started to relieve himself. Suddenly there was a yell and a lot of cursing .... in the dark he had peed on one of the electric fences. As most would know, an electric shock causes a contraction of the muscles. My mate reckons he came close that day to popping the top off his ......
Sorry if this tale offends anyone.
Hey, I wonder if other members have had or seen a funny/strange incident.
I remember when I was a young fella,I was out rabbiting with my older cousins and we came to a wire fence and I was told by cousin to put the shovel on the bottom wire to make it easier for him to get through.The resulting shock threw the shovel into the air and me screaming to the ground.Definitely set up that day as my cousins were rolling on the grass laughing their ***** off.???
There's nothing like walking face first into a giant golden orb spider's web in the evening gloom and back-pedalling so fast that you end up arse over turkey with all your gear scattered everywhere, and not knowing if that huge arachnid that you just eyeballed is crawling on you somewhere.......funny..not! :eek:
OzzieAu said:
There's nothing like walking face first into a giant golden orb spider's web in the evening gloom and back-pedalling so fast that you end up arse over turkey with all your gear scattered everywhere, and not knowing if that huge arachnid that you just eyeballed is crawling on you somewhere.......funny..not! :eek:

Its bloody funny when its someone else though ;) :lol:
The mate I mentioned in my earlier post, was on one other occasion was walking across a railway bridge on the way to a favourite fishing spot when a train was seen approaching from the other end of the bridge. Well, he could have just climbed to the outside of the bridge and waited for the train to pass but as often happens with Bruce um, my old mate, he didn't quite think it out and jumped off the bridge to the creek below. With only about a foot of water and plenty of rocks ..... a broken leg, miles from anywhere and a long painful walk out.