Lent my old FT 16000 to a friend for a week, went and got it back a month later. The reason he didn't bring it back, in his efforts to do a little detecting, he some how dismounted the control (batterie) box from the handle. This droped with sufficient force, to snap the cable from the plug that joins into the control box. I took the plug apparatus, appart but was sorely disappointed to see no trace of cable colours
The cable has 4 conductors plus's a shied, red white yellow and black, the plug has numbers on it, 1 2 3 4 5, number 4 and 5 are bridged, and I can see that number three is where the shield cable is soldered. As for the rest unfortunately, I am in the dark. Would much appreciate a helping hand. If anyone knows the sequence please let me know, as I am itching to do some scratching fellers. Cheers!
.... sorry that's pin's 3and 4 that are bridged not 4 and 5.