Mad Tuna

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Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hey Members,
Finally got a reply back from MT.
He's ok!!
Here is his email.....

Hey Simmo,

many thanks for the email mate and you can let them know that's fine with me.

Yep I got kicked in the head by a bull a few weeks back and thought I was okay but he did me a bit more of a mischief than I thought.
He fractured my Zygomatic (cheek bone) which I sort of figured he did, as I've done that before so it's no real biggy.
The next day though I wasn't feeling too flash so went and got myself looked at and apparently he came close to breaking my neck.

One of the mines on the station kindly put me up for a couple of weeks where they could keep an eye on me. Getting better now with 90% movent back in the neck and no cervical collar anymore.
Also, there is a bloke temporarily at the homestead so as I don't need to be there each night, I've been camping out detecting plus trying to get these damn camels under control which are hitting us hard at the moment.
No net where I've been so havent been able to log on to catch the latest goss but will very shortly.

Cheers again mate for the concern.

wonder if the bull is walking lame ? :playful: :lol: hope you have a full recovery and reception soon. Your advice has been very helpful.
aww bugger! I didn't see this thread last night. Thanks for the well wishes and kind words folks.

Thought I was okay after the boot to the head but the next morning while wiping my butt I got myself in the face with a wad of toilet paper and realized my head normally isn't down there.
All good now though my modelling career has come to an abrupt halt. Will be taking it easy for a little while still.

Cheers again!
Welcome back Steve I have been trying to catch up for a while now I know the reason why. A lot of people dont realise how fast those big buggers can move ah.
madtuna said:
aww bugger! I didn't see this thread last night. Thanks for the well wishes and kind words folks.

Thought I was okay after the boot to the head but the next morning while wiping my butt I got myself in the face with a wad of toilet paper and realized my head normally isn't down there.
All good now though my modelling career has come to an abrupt halt. Will be taking it easy for a little while still.

Cheers again!

Good to see ya MT,

You and me both mate, I've had to give up pole dancing since the surgery, flaming scars are mess, Now I have got to get a Night job coz I can only go out in the dark, bugga it. they've ruined me features, Lol.

Good to have ya back,

PS, maybe that Bull remembered what you cut off when he was a youngster, Just a thought Ay. Lol, :Y:
Mad Tuna once got kicked in the head by a bull.
After 3 days of agonizing pain the bull died.
Good to hear you're okay mate :Y:
One Ounce For said:
Hi Steve

Send privat email to you few times. Works your old adress: p********(at)*******.com?

Reg PV
that's an old email address mate, sent you a private message with the new one.


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