Looking for someone in Australia who manufactures synthetic corundum

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Jun 29, 2017
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Does anyone here know of someone in Australia who manufactures synthetic corundum? I don't want to go overseas for the product. There are a number of businesses that sell the synthetic rough but they import from overseas. I really am struggling to find someone in Australia who uses the flame fusion method. Any help in the right direction would be really appreciated. Thanks!
How about introducing yourself so folks will get to know you. :D :D
If you are looking for some thing like that, I would say you would
be able to generate a lot of interest with your Hobby. :Y: :Y:
I have read in a few articles about Australian labs creating synthetic rocks and minerals, but have not found anything in followup.

I believe a lot of the stuff sold here comes from Russia and Thailand as LoneWolf said, i have brought a few boules so far and have been happy.
Yes.. They are Made in labs(mainly Universities) here, but haven't seen any for Sale... I would buy from OS as the Quality is good and they are 'Masters' at making this stuff.. :Y:
You Do know that these Synthetics WILL kill the Gemstone Industry... They already have made a major impact.... :mad:

You Do know that these Synthetics WILL kill the Gemstone Industry
Is it the synthetics killing the industry or the unscrupulous sellers flogging cut synthetics off as natural stones?
I guess some people don't care where the stone comes from as long as it looks pretty, but i would have thought the majority of people would prefer a natural stone over a synthetic stone...... I guess pricing would be an issue as well.
A bit of both there shivan.... It gets hard when they buy Aussie Mined Sapphires and sell them as Ceylon Sapphires at three times the price...Then you have the 'Dealers'...and their 'Ways' of doing Business...
I prefer Natural stones... Unheated .... Found By Me.... ;) Synthetics Have their place in the Jewellery Industry, but the Sellers must be forthcoming as to the Source of Their Stones.... :Y:
This is what stoped Aussie Sapphire from Mining their own Stones.... :N:

LW...(Yay 500th post :party: )
Just asked a Dealer I know at Gold Coast Gem show, who deals in a lot of Synthetic.... There are No makers in Australia, They are still trying to Master this... Russian's and Chinese are the Pro's....And unfortunately it's getting popular.... :/

Shivan, most Synthetics sell for just as much, if not More than you would pay for a Natural Stone.... I know, I can't get my head around it either :rolleyes: ... I much prefer Natural... :Y:

The mark up price on syns are quite attractive.
Not sure why you would find making it here cheaper?
Personally can't beat natural :Y:
Just for the Fact, they Can say 'Look what I have made'... Gem in I....

A year ago I turned Amethyst into 'Citrine ' with the Help of a really good oven... :cool: And 'helped' Mangano Calcite Fluorescent Better by Heating too...
But if I sell them to anyone, I tell them it's heat treated....


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