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Dec 13, 2019
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hiHi, im Chantal and Ive always had massive curiosity for geology which I have recently started to pursue for the past year or so as a hobby.
Basically I just like to learn about what minerals exist around my local area and the geological time frame of the land.

At the start nothing made sense now after hours (weeks really haha) of you tube videos, digital/printed local geological surveys and many trips out and about to confirm rock formations its becoming apart of my daily routine to study geology :cool: :gemstone:
im also interested in rare earth minerals (RRE) and the radiometric equipment used to locate them.

current I just have a basic minelab detector and a pro find 35 wand.

this page has been great for information and tips thanks everyone! :goldnugget:
Welcome to PA Chantal. Lots of good folks here to help you.

I'm ok too, but don't tell anyone. Wouldn't want to ruin Baz's grumpy reputation now would we? ;)


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