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Apr 7, 2017
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Have recently retired and now have all the time in the world to get out there,
was wondering if there are solo groups that travel together.

Have in the past dug many holes looking for that gold stuff, but found nothing of
the kind, am interested in all sorts of prospecting, have minelab metal detector.

Tent only, may need other.

Can anyone lead me on the right path................
Don't have to worry these days OP. The years fly by very quickly unless you have a learning hobby like this e.g.The 60's are the worst---YAWN!!!!!!!!!!
Jaros :cool:
Stru said:
where are you planning on traveling? find some gold and retirement may get very very busy!
Don't really have an area, just want to be out there, whilst still can. You don't just give up work and sit in front of the TV.
Jaros said:
Don't have to worry these days OP. The years fly by very quickly unless you have a learning hobby like this e.g.The 60's are the worst---YAWN!!!!!!!!!!
Jaros :cool:
I am not pension age yet......Just had to give up work and would like to get out and about, dislike sitting at home.
Mate, welcome. If you advise where you're from, I'm sure there's many PAers that would gladly meet up for a swing; spend some time in front of the bush telly with an ale, and telling bigger porkies than most fishermen :lol: (not me - of course - I mostly drink rum). Some are retired and some weekend warriors. I've met many good/trusted prospecting friends that I often detect with on this forum.

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