How to locate an old family friend/property?

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Sep 11, 2014
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Hi guys,

My family use to go camping at a family friends 10 acre block 30-35 years ago somewhere around Talbot and us kids used to walk the old creek searching for quartz crystal, there were old mining ruins on the block too, possibly a stamper from memory.
Anyway, I've asked dad if he remembers where it is and he can't remember because it's been about 25yrs since they've seen or heard from "uncle Dave", they lost touch soon after Dave got married.
I know his name and would recognise the block and blue stone house if I saw it, have googled name but can't seem to find any info.
Would the local post office give up info if he still lived there?

I have many good childhood memories of camping there and it's where my love of fossicking came from.
I would love to find the location of his block (if he still owns it) and hopefully be able to knock on the door and say g'day.
After spending last weekend in the area it's made me want to find where we used to camp as kids more than ever.
Not sure if putting his name here would be the right thing but someone here may know him by chance.
You can do land and property searches but the results cost about $30 each, if you know the Deposited Plan number or address you can get the info on anyone who has owned and sold a particular property.
The post office may not give up his info due to the Privacy Act, however, you can leave your details to be forwarded if they know who you are after. It would then be up to "Uncle Dave" to contact you.
Heatho, it's the address I'm actually looking for so I will contact the post office and leave details as condor22 suggested and thought that would be the case with the privacy act.
He may well of sold up and moved on long ago but it's one of those things that bugs me not knowing where exactly it was.
Thanks for the replies.
Visit your nearest Australian Electoral Office where you can examine the electoral rolls for free, my mum found her brother that way.

Or alternatively someone with a current subscription will be able to access archived images of the rolls. Recently i helped a Welsh lady find her Uncle's surviving family that they had lost touch with 20 years ago. The family had immigrated here in the 1950's.

casper said:
Visit your nearest Australian Electoral Office where you can examine the electoral rolls for free, my mum found her brother that way.

Or alternatively someone with a current subscription will be able to access archived images of the rolls. Recently i helped a Welsh lady find her Uncle's surviving family that they had lost touch with 20 years ago. The family had immigrated here in the 1950's.


Mate do this (Bolded above) I have used this method to secure payments from client who skip town.

I know you are looking for the property, but if you find the guy then this becomes a whole lot easier as you can ask him the address if he has moved.
Awesome, thanks guys.
Sounds like a visit to the AEO is in order and I'll pay my fine from the last state election while I'm at it too ;)

Locating the property (and hopefully Dave) means fitting another piece of the puzzle from my childhood memories and there's quite a few gaps in there.
You guys have been a big help and I'll post any updates as I find them.

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