Hello from Coffs

Prospecting Australia

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Feb 13, 2016
Reaction score
Hey all,

Have really taken an interest in collecting of late and thought I'd have a crack at metal detecting...

I've heard that the hills around these parts have plenty of history around them. So pretty keen to hit the hills and the beaches.

Cheers guys. Haven't actually got myself a weapon yet but very interested in the Garrett AT pro... I believe it should suit everything that I'll want to do.

One question though.. I know there is the AT Gold which they say is the one you want for specific gold hunting. But is the pro still able to find gold at all?
Well I went and got my Weapon of Choice today.. I went with the Garrett AT Pro for the fact that Ill be doing a lot of beach hunting so being right for the salty condition was a big plus. I also got the Garrett Pin Pointer that's fully water proof to 3m... Just in case I drop it really... I don't expect to be digging that far down lol.. Got myself a sand shovel and some pans so I can hit the creeks in the Coramba Hills.


Hope you guys like. Looking at doing a hunt later in the week so with any luck Ill be able to start a Members find thread.

