Google earth/maps differences.

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Sep 1, 2015
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OK, been marking a few spots from "STRIKE" the co-ords match google maps perfectly, however, they are completley different to google earth co-ords!!!

Why is this? Im used to navigateing in MILS not degrees.
Is the difference something like a "grid co-ord" vs a "Magnetic co-ord"? If so, how is the conversion done the degrees way? MGA- Magnetic co ord to grid co-ord, add the magnetic variation? Is there an easier way?

I got no idea mate :eek: ]:D

I hope someone can help you :Y: that would have been :brokenh: to see when it uploaded.
Same here, Trying to plan a trip to the Harts Ranges and have come across the same issue... Davent, How do you expand the map on Strike to full Page?... Hate the small map...

You cant really, you need to zoom into the area you are interested in, then use the slide bar on the left, up = zoom in.

Click on mines and mineral occurrences, then click on legend.

On the bottom right is a slide marked aerial photography, slide it all the way to the right, good overlay.

Click on Titles, and click most of them, except petroleum and and about 3 others.

Click on land information, go down and click Cadestre, this will tell you the stations name, eg, Mary river east.

The more you use it, the easier it gets.

If you type in the EL # in the search box, then move to the upper left, you will see 3 sub boxes, MAP, DATA, and Title Summery Report.

Click Title summery report, and you can get GEO reports from way back to the most recent. If it dosnt redirect you to it, simply do a Google search, eg, Report EL 29676

eg partial relinquishment.
Not quite sure about 'strike'..ignorance is bliss :cool: but I think the magnetic N.. Vs True N Has some part to [lay in it. When sailing, Its a case of.. 'Add 12 for East.. take 12 for west.. hope this is relevant to your quest mate :/ cheers Rossco
Depends on how much different Dave.
Nothing to do with magnetic fields which are constantly moving (the South magnetic pole is not even on the Antarctic continent - last time I checked), so no coordinate systems are based on the variable magnetic fields.
There's many great converters between MGA and Lat/Long on the net such as:
What has caught me in the past is using the wrong Mercator MGA zone - the Vic GT has both 54 and 55 (NT has 52 and 53). I have entered 54 instead of 55 and been put out into the ocean on a few occasions.
Also make sure that you're using the right datum (point of origin for MGA maps) - (GDA94 or the new one GDA2020 introduced in Jan this year - they're less than 2m apart - so who cares really - except the surveyor and the bloody councils), but the prior AGD84 datum (later acronym shuffled to GDA) is around 200m out and definitely should not be used. I would not be using your old Army maps based on this old AGD84 datum.
Also, there's many reports that Google Earth is inaccurate for fixing location, so trust Google Maps.
Thanks Davent, :Y: It certainly is a tricky thing to master. but I have done well.. I have found pretty well all of the things you have mentioned I think... Just wanted a bigger Map to view... When you go to print out the Smaller maps, it gives you a larger version anyhow....
I have been talking to the Assistant Manager of Titles about a mistake on their Fossicking USB, And mentioned this and She said there is a 'Better user Friendly' version of Strike coming soon... No time frame yet, but it's coming.. :rolleyes:

Reefer, Strike is simular to Minview... :)

Dave are you on the same format?

Deg,Min,Sec - 33 33' 30.6"S, 115 33' 13.7"E
Degrees - 33.558352, 15.553915
Deg & Min - 33 33.501'S, 115 33.236'E
UTM - 50H 365758, 6285866

These are my GPS settings sitting here at the dining room table and there are many more options. It's easy to have one on Degrees, Minutes and Seconds and the other on Degrees and Decimal minutes. However my HEMA also gives me the option of True N and Magnetic N.
OK, I'll try to muck around a bit, because I just checked one of the co odds I got off google maps, and its Wierd. 13.79,123 or could it be 79? Only 60 mins in an hour.....god, I wish it was in least I know that stuff.....6400 mils in a circle
davent said:
OK, I'll try to muck around a bit, because I just checked one of the co odds I got off google maps, and its Wierd. 13.79,123 or could it be 79? Only 60 mins in an hour.....god, I wish it was in least I know that stuff.....6400 mils in a circle

Degrees 13.79123 because it's just a decimal point like 13.8

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