Depends on the location Nugget, clay, sandy soil, Rocks but important is to check the maps and existing occurrence.
Specific Gravity
Diamond has a Specific Gravity of 3.52. (Compared to Water at 1.00 - which actually means that 1 Fluid Ounce of water does exactly weight 1 Fluid Ounce!) Specific Gravity is the weight of an item against an equal volume of water. That's why when you drop a Diamond into a glass of water it goes straight to the bottom.
You would need to drop a Diamond into a much heavier liquid in order for it to float. (Like Pine Oil) The denser (heavier) a Gem is, the faster it will fall. You might be interested to know that a 1.00 Carat Diamond and a 1.00 Carat Ruby DO NOT weight the same. Ruby (4.0-4.1) is denser and will sink quicker than a Diamond does!
Specific Gravity of Gemstones
Achroite 3.06 Hornblende 3.28-3.41
Aegirine 3.55-3.6 Ivory 1.9
Agate 2.65 Jade 3.24
Albite 2.6-2.63 Jadeite 3.24
Almandine 4.1-4.3 Jet 1.33
Almandite Garnet 4.52 Kyanite 3.67
Andradite Garnet 3.86 Kunzite 3.18
Amber 1.08 Labradorite 2.69-2.72
Amethyst 2.65 Lapis Lazuli 2.8
Aquamarine 2.69 Lazurite 2.4-2.5
Augite 3.23-3.52 Magnetite 5.2
Azurite 3.77-3.78 Malachite 4
Barite 4.5 Marcasite 4.92
Benitoite 3.67 Mercury 13.6-14.4
Beryl 2.6-2.9 Milky Quartz 2.65
Biotite 2.7-3.4 Moonstone 2.57
Bloodstone 2.65 Morganite 2.6-2.9
Brazilianite 2.94 Muscovite 2.77-2.88
Calcite 2.71 Nephrite 2.96
Carnelian 2.65 Olivine 3.27-4.32
Cassiterite 7 Opal 1.9-2.3
Chalcedony 2.65 Orthoclase 2.56
Chalcopyrite 2.65 Padparadscha 4
Chatoyant Quartz 2.65 Pearl 2.71
Chromdravite 3.0-3.2 Peridot 3.34
Chrysoberyl 3.65-3.8 Platinum 21.4
Chrysoprase 2.65 Pyrite 5
Cinnabar 8.0-8.2 Pyrope 3.5-3.8
Citrine 2.65 Quartz 2.65
Copper 8.9 Riebeckite 3.32-3.38
Coral 2.68 Rock Crystal 2.65
Corundum 4.0-4.1 Rosy Quartz 2.65
Demantoid 3.52 Rubellite 3.06
Diamond 3.52 Ruby 4.0-4.1
Diopside 3.22-3.28 Sapphire 4.0-4.1
Dravite 3.06 Sardonyx 2.65
Emerald 2.71 Schorl 3.0-3.2
Enstatite 3.2-3.4 Shell 1.3
Fire Agate 2.65 Silver 10.5
Fluorite 3.18 Spessartine 4.16
Forsterite 3.27-4.32 Sphalerite 3.9-4.1
Galena 7.58 Spinel 3.6
Garnet 4.1 Spodumene 3.18
Glaucophane 3.08-3.15 Sulfur 2.0-2.1
Gold 19.3 Sylvite 1.99
Graphite 2.1-2.3 Tanzanite 3.36
Grossular 3.49 Topaz 3.54
Gypsum 2.32 Tourmaline 3-3.2
Halite 2.1-2.2 Tremolite 2.9-3.2
Hauyne 2.44 Turquoise 2.6-2.8
Heliodor 2.6-2.9 Uvarovite 3.77
Hematite 5.26 Watermelon Tourmaline 3.06
Hessonite 3.6 Zircon 4.0-4.8
Hiddenite 3.18