First treasure play with the equinox

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 12, 2017
Reaction score
South Coast, NSW
Hi Folks.

Have worked with the Equinox in the gold fields for a reasonable length of time now but have not taken onto the beach for a proper play until this afternoon. A bit crazy really as the nearest beach to my house is only 2km away. It took a trip away to encourage me to try it out. What a pleasant beast it is to use in this situation. Totally different to looking for bits of gold in the scrub. Really enjoyed trying to understand what the machine was trying to tell me. Anyway it was put in the car as an afterthought and I didnt pack any other gear except the charging cord. After a storm went through late in the afternoon, I took it down to a popular little beach where a lake drains into the ocean. It was a stoney beach that was covered in sand. Every target was buried in either rocky crevices covered in sand or was surrounded by loose rocks. Had fun digging all the targets by hand. Its a good process for trimming finger nails. Worked in the water for a while and found some toasted one cent coins and a few sinkers. Had a lot of fun until the mozzies carried me away. I hope I dont get hooked on this side of detecting as well. No work will get done around the house.



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